My sweet angel girl, how in the heck are you six. When it feels like just yesterday I met you for the first time.
You have heard this story before, about how you came into this world unexpectedly early. Leaving us out of breath and scared out of our minds. I remember the doctor preparing us for the worse case scenario, my heart aching and tears falling down our faces as me and dad waited to hear what was next. I always tell you that I listened to my gut, that because I spoke up you are here today as a reminder to you to always stand your ground.
The truth is you were a little fighter from day one, exceeding all odds and coming home right before our first Christmas as a family of three. I hope you always work hard for what you want and continue to exceed all the odds.
This time counting down the days before Christmas sure make me think of the itty bitty you. So I love that you LOVE the holidays more than anyone I know, I hope you always love every part of the holidays.
You have shown me so much about myself, about patience, about commitment and unconditional love. I work hard at being the best version of myself because of you my sweet girl. I am blessed to watch you grow into this smart, feisty, observant, kind and thoughtful girl.
My wishes for you are many but the main one is that I hope you always feel like you can be YOU right here with us and everywhere. I love that we are your safe place and may you always feel that way so you can flourish, grow and continue to amaze all those around you.
You are six today and in a way I too, am six; six years of being this woman I am today, also known as mama.
Such beautiful words to always cherish