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Weekly Edit

Hey hey happy Weekend! Hope you all are enjoying summer, it has been hot as heck but I will have to say I do enjoy it more than the freezing cold.

So here is a little weekly edit.

What's going on,

We just wrapped our first week and a half at my mom's and although being in someone else's space can be hard (my mom and O are both working full time at home) but at the same time we are enjoying every second of being at home with her. Having her help with some cleaning and sharing the making dinner responsibility is pretty amazing.

Also be prepared for some yummy recipes from me and my mama coming at you soon. There are a few, like her infamous potato salad, easy peasy fast pickled onions and some delicious corn arepitas that I am hoping to post for you all this week.

We also received these insanely beautiful mama-made bracelets and necklaces (photos above) from one of my talented mama friends. I cannot wait to share more detailed photos of the beauties on a post this weekend. But if you are looking for something pretty to add to your jewelry box then reach out to Kate, at Encirkled and tell her Natalie sent you for something special. :)

We left our rental in Lexington, MA and are now rooming with my mama in Haverhill, MA. We leave to our more perm rental in September and I cannot wait to be by the beach again. The moving is getting to us all but the mere thought of being able to finally be back at the beach makes me so HAPPY.

You can also SHOP MY INSTAGRAM under the Shopping Tab or HERE

Just started watching The Night Shift on Netflix, gosh I love a good doctor show! I am all the way through the first season and loving it.

The Kissing Booth 1 & 2 on Netflix, are both just the rom com we all need when things are just so heavy.

Indian Match Making on Netflix, OMG I could not turn away from this show. The study of other cultures has always fascinated me.

Also, Love on the Spectrum also on Netflix, I have only watched one episode and it is so heartwarming. I REALLY loved it.

The Call of the Wild + Free, wow loving this one. Really looking forward to putting this one into action come Fall.

The Brave Learner, I think this is an incredible read, even if you are not home schooling but may be tot schooling or simply reinforcing learning at home.

Do Less, just downloaded this one and cannot wait to dive deeper into it.

9 Perfect Strangers, from the same author that wrote Big Little Lies. This was a rec from my book club and a real, laugh out loud.


This week, I am going to share my mom's dining room (which is in progress) and the girls room here at my mom's which we are making into a space for them both (yay to being close enough to family for sleepovers!!). I will share some "back to school" sales, my parenting book lineup and more on my Instagram post on going for the opportunity and following your passions after becoming a mama.

I hope that you allow for some slow moving during this weekend, may you leave room for some planning through the week and fill up your tank!




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