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Our Favorite Calm Down Books After Angry Feelings

If your a mama (or around any littles) you know that childhood comes with BIG feelings. BIG. Over change, over a mix in routine, over difficulty in sharing toys, over a tower getting knocked down and maybe even the meal being cooked the "wrong" way.

Well first know, you are not alone.

Second, it's SO normal. Kiddos have had such a short number of years expressing or digesting or even identifying feelings, so it's up to us to help them do those things with coaching. It also takes years, shoot I even have a meltdown from time to time.

Third, books help! We read books about almost every experience, but especially in our calm down corner. Here are some of our favorites.

I find that reading these after big feeling episodes is super helpful, but what really counts is reading them consistently, pointing out tools, talking about them and asking questions. I hope that they help you too!



***Obviously, I am a mama who loves to share not a doctor so if you think that the problem could be bigger then reach out to your pediatrician.***


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