Hey hey!! I have been a little MIA over here, life was just hard AF. Hard to finish up my posts when I have just been so honed in on the girls. I feel like things have progressively gotten harder for the girls the last two weeks. We are missing being outside (we have been advised to not risk taking the elevators and being out right now), we miss family that we haven't seen since Christmas break and just like everyone else we miss normalcy, our routine and like Ami cutely says "the real world".
So while I have felt completely drained this week I have taken to the kitchen, it just makes me so happy. For me there is nothing better than feeding my family foods I have made, where I know all the ingredients, cutting up fresh fruits and veggies to bring a little color in the room that we have been "living in" for months. Hahaha that sounds so corny but oh my god, it's just who I am. And I am grateful to have the time, the ingredients and the safe place to do this.
I am hoping that you do more of whatever it is that brings you peace, whatever it is that makes you and your family happy. Make the time for it. And make the time for you.
We have always loved baking, and I have done it pretty much every week as an activity since Zoe was little. They absolutely love it, and yes it's messy as heck but goodness I love doing it with them too. And a few of you asked what you should have in your kitchen for these fun baking times. So here I am sharing some must haves to bake most of the basics (think brownies, cookies, cakes and bread!)
Cookie Sheet (I recommend you have at the least two but more is better.) And a muffin pan, mini muffins come in handy too!
Cooling Rack (we use these all the time for cooling cookies, cakes and even for cooling homemade fried chicken, or bacon!)
Silicone Spatula Set and Frosting Spatula and also recommend a Pastry brush for greasing a pan, or buttering the top of a dutch baby pancake!
Stand Mixer I use this every week and have for almost 8 years! or a Hand Mixer I have one of these in storage that I love. Better for smaller spaces or someone that doesn't bake as often. Wisk (this set is also great to have )
Baking Dish great for brownies and baked pasta dishes, love that it comes with a lid. (this glass set is also an incredible deal!)
Loaf pan (I am starting to look for safer cooking/baking pans I love this corn bread cast iron) Round cake Pan - I have had a few but these are the best. Pie Plate, love the simplicity of these white ones, I have these glass ones.
Flour Sifter and Mesh Sieve, for dusting powdered sugar or even sifting. I use the smaller one for straining homemade tea or my celery juice when I blend it.
Silicone mats (I think I may get these beautiful white ones!)
Glass airtight containers for flours and sugars, even grains I like them because the opening is large enough for a measuring cup (love these for spices!)
Measuring Cups (we have these, but these are also stainless steel and these are glass and beautiful) and this glass set is also necessary for liquids! Measuring Spoons these are a great deal for stainless steel and the shape makes it easier to put into spice jars.
Mixing Bowls and prep Bowls (love these for baking with kids, because you can measure out the ingredients) love these beautiful ones too!
Cake Stand (glass with dome, melamine one is perfect for outdoor dining, and this beautiful porcelain one, I have also been eyeing this hobnail milk glass one to add to my collection!)
I love this decorating set I got years ago, and recently started using the batter bottle for pancakes and it's genius!
Biscuit cutters are great for donuts, cookies, and cutting any thick dough (would have loved for my scallion pancakes!)
Rolling Pin! A must. I have done some research and they say the tapered french pin is the best! I also think a marble one is both beautiful and effective, less sticking. And the olive one is beautiful too! IF you bake as much as we do you want it to be practical but something that will last!
These are the must haves, but there are a bunch of nice to haves that I will share in a separate post. If this seems overwhelming, my tip is to write out some of the recipes you either make regularly or wish you did. Then think of what tools would make it easier or better and go from there. And then slowly add to your baking cabinet! Yes even in our tiny apartment I have a baking cabinet! HA!
I hope that this is helpful and can prepare you for some time in the kitchen with your littles!
PS Next week I am going to share my review on my air fryer lid (this is the whole unit you can buy), some tips and 10 air fryer recipes that we have tried, so get ready!