Well hey there,
It's the weekend!! And I am so happy I actually took the time to draft this blog post earlier this week, with unpacking and school and all the other stuff it has been hard as heck to make time for this but I have so much I want to share on this stage of life! First up some parenting stuff...
My Zoe is a 3rd grader! Holy crap! I feel like the pandemic sometimes went by so fast and so slow all at the same time and it really didn't feel like time was moving. Gosh that sounds nuts but so true. Zoe started in-person school two weeks ago and yes the anxiety that this brings has been insane but we are doing one day at a time, and thats it. Just get through one day and then we tackle the next one.
She even started taking the bus this last week. Which is mind blowing since all we had to do was walk a block to get to her school in NYC and now my baby takes a bus! I was hesitant but she has been craving the independence which in this case, we thought we would give her. And since her new school is quite close and she also has a couple very sweet friends (we lucked out with incredible neighbors) that take the same bus.
Now the struggle is that we have to be outside a lot earlier. Girlfriend HATES being woken up, no matter how slowly I try to do it, 90% of the time it's not so morning person Zoe that I am greeted with, so I have been contemplating getting her an alarm. (For age reference Zoe will be 8 in December and is a young 3rd grader because in NYC the cut offs are end of year for starting Kindergarten.)
I've talked to a few friends and there are some options for softer more "positive experience" type of alarms so I thought I would do a little research and try a couple of them. Here are some I have found.

Do your kids have alarms? Do they wake up for school on their own? And don't be fooled the girl is up at the crack of dawn on days she can sleep in, hahahaha but school days at 6:50 she is not happy to see me.
Other things that we are doing for more morning independence are:
-I check the weather and let her pick out outfits for the week (we check the weather every morning so we can make sure it's still appropriate because New England is tricky)...
-Make her bed (this is never perfect and I am ok with it) and straighten out her room before coming downstairs, dressed!
-Feed the dog. (most mornings, ha!)
-Make (if its her usual greek yogurt and granola) or serve herself her own breakfast! She picks how much she wants and I am trying to relinquish the control over what she eats.
-She gives me lunch box ideas that we keep on hand and she helps me make her lunch (once mornings are smoother I'll let her pack this before eating!)
-Check her folder for anything I may have forgotten.
-Pick her mask, mask chain and shoes for the day ( I love that she picks these things according to what she has that day!)