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I0 Goals I Have For 2022

Happy Happy New Year!!

A time that I have always taken to look back, do some of my favorite things,( hello bubble bath with bubbly, blow out, and a little dance party with my girls) and most importantly plan for whats to come.

And let me tell you,

you cannot move forward and achieve big things with out setting goals. and then taking those goals and breaking them into smaller monthly goals to achieve them.

We also like to do these as a family, which is quite fun. but don’t limit them to that, family, financial, health, business goals, all of them are great to have!

So here are my 10 goals for 2022 And below you will find the girls goals!

1. Carve out space/time for myself. Wellness, walks, friend time, my own desk space, a photographer/help for blog content etc.

2. Continue to retrain my brain to eat intuitively and build a stronger relationship with food.

3. Keep waking before the family to meditate and move my body.

4. Cook and bake more WITH the girls.

5. Continue Therapy.

6. One on one time with each of the girls every day, even 10 minutes.

7. Post more on here! Nurture this website and use it to write more. (and maybe expand that to start writing a book…)

8. Keep the creativity flowing! Sewing, embroidery, painting etc!

9. Gratitude journal with the girls every morning.

10. Continue to spread joy to others that are less fortunate in our community and beyond.

There are definitely more but these are some that I feel will just take me closer to the best version of myself. Which overall is exactly what I am striving for as a mom, business woman and person.

I hope that you can take some time this weekend or month to jot down some goals, then get them up where you can see them! I am rooting for you as hard as I am rooting for myself.




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