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Hey Mama, YOU did it!

Hey hey sweet courageous, brave and strong mama, YOU DID IT!!!

Better yet, we did it. We friggen did it.

We pushed through hard days, through tears, fears, virtual school, in-persons school, flip flopping back to virtual and in-person, masks, sanitizer, play dates, virtual playdates, so much Zoom and beyond. We let our kids be our biggest teachers, we watched them learn, watched the grow and some days we watched them crumble. We wiped tears, talked through fears and allowed everyone in the room to have a meltdown or two, served snacks and lunches and if we are being honest WAY too many extra treats AKA bribes.

We sat in uncertainty, letting our mama gut make decisions and got through another school year of a pandemic parenting. We did.

I am proud of you. Proud of me. Proud of teachers, educators, students and so many that with all the flexibility, grace, patience and love sat in our village and allowed us all to get through one of the toughest years of our lives. I am proud of all of us.

I hope that you know that with this time comes so much knowledge, so many special memories and maybe a few scars and it's ok. Together we got threw and will continue on this journey. I hope that that is what you get from this space, that we are not alone. We get to do this parenting thing together.

And well hello summer, I've been waiting for you!




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