For me this age is so fun, all about pretend, playing together versus side by side and anything that keeps them entertained for longer chunks of time.
Kitchen & Accessories,
I am getting the girls this little toaster set to add to there kitchen set (the also have this blender, this mixer and this pot and pans) they both play with this every day.
The girls have this cleaning set and love it.
Play stations:
I saw this store front at a friends apartment and the girls freaked. (these would be fun to have with it, this too! oh and don't forget the shopping cart!)
Electronics, we have these tablets, love them but this version with a stand is so much better. We have these headphones for the car and travel.
I love this magnetic computer, real like without being an electronic and also a learning toy.
I have promised Ami a camera, like Zoe's.
Boogie Board is a great car trip toy, this sleeve keeps them safe, extra styluses are a must.
Music instruments:
Zoe has requested violin lessons so I may get her this set before she starts in the spring. We have this Piano Book for a few years now and they both have loved it. This microphone was a birthday gift 3 years ago, and A FAVORITE.
Doll House.
The girls have been in love with this Barbie Dream house (which is on sale!!!) but we just don't have the room for a second doll house, we have this wooden one which is so beautifully made (I love this tree house)
We gifted Z these Calico Critters , this little mommy and baby and car for her doll house and it's another toy they both love so much.
Dolls, we have wayyyy too many but these ones the girls have had for 3 years and sleep with them every night.
Zoe asked for this Baby Alive doll that eats, because it's a real baby. lol (she got it for her birthday!! So Ami will be getting one for her birthday).
Barbies have ben huge for both girls. They love dressing them up.
The love their American Girl Dolls too, they have requested this salon set and this bath tub. Ami really wants the camper (ummmm where the heck would it go?!)
The girls fight over there one little stroller every day.
For building:
Other favorites of ours, magna tiles, this marble run and these bristle blocks.
This lego set we got them last year, may need another set because both girls build with them now.
Frozen Duplo set and this Lego Set are definitely going under the tree for my lego loving girls. (the girls also have this one and love it!)
This Magnet Set is one of Zoe's favorites, plus Ami can now play along. We have this one too. And this magnet dress up doll.
Fort Builder - We have this and love it, people have mixed reviews but all I say you need assistance with the younger ones but it stays up and is a great parent kiddo activity. We purchased two sets.
Dress up is HUGE in our house. These dresses are a great starter set. We have this set of crowns, these shoes, accessories.
When Zoe turned three we gifted her this dressing rack and hung 5 or 6 costumes. It is something they play with almost every day. This year I am getting them a couple that they have requested, this set of cute explorer costumes. love all of the Melissa & Doug costumes.
I am getting the girls this diner set, and waitress costume because it is one of their favorite games to play.
This Learning tower is something I wish I had had for the girls when we had the extra space, great great great for those of you that want to have your kids in the kitchen with you more.
I wish we had room for this incredible bouncy house a few friends keep for parties and for snow days too (it's easy to put away and take out, can we please get it O???!)
This trampoline was a favorite birthday gift for Zoe, I am so sad that we had to give it up when we moved to the apartment. We also have a sit and spin.
This balance toy is not something we have but something I plan on getting the girls this winter, this is the other choice I have in my cart.
We love the girls scooters, these are also super popular here. (don't forget a helmet, this shark one or unicorn!)
Another huge part of life and this age group is art, a space and tools for creating are so important. I love this easel, this paint set, ( love these paint cups that my cousin has for her kids and may get them this year) we have this set of brushes and aprons.
This paper is what I use for all painting. and these water colors are things we use almost every other day. I plan on giving a tour of our little "work station" for the girls but it may actually not happen until the New Year!
This art in a box set is just perfection for someone with limited space.
We have this set, great for keeping at a grandparents or even traveling or to start up your crafting supply.
Let's talk puzzles. We are a puzzle and game family (games we love here!)
Love this wooden one, this tetris one, love this huge floor one for Zoe, this is cute for younger to 5. This princess one for both girls.
Hopefully these help! Trying to only share what we have or have gifted (and sprinkle in a few things I plan on buying for the girls as well). Living in a much smaller space means a lot more specific gifting and we will need to store or donate a ton of the toys too. What is high on your kids wish list?