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Gifts For Baby 0-24 Months

This little Baby Einstein toy was one of my first gifts for Zoe, and both girls loved it.

A little baby mat is perfect for a new babe.

Wooden Retro Phone (something they will play with FOREVER)

A Plush Tool Kit ( Ami loved hers till recently when she wants to steal her sisters)

Plush Zoo Animals (we got these for Z, and Ami also loved them).

This Play Center was a hit with both girls, they can work on balance, and it's fun for multiple ages. (easy to wipe down too!) This one is great, 35% off too!)

We loved this baby bouncer, it was so great because Ami could see us and she would happily bounce while we got things done at home.

A Wooden Kitchen that will last years, we got ours (which was HARD to put together but beautiful) around Z's 1st birthday and gosh she has just loved it, they both play with it every day. ( I also LOVE this modern one, and this one!)

Table and Chairs, the perfect gift for a little, one they will use for eating, snacking, coloring, and crafting but best of all for make believing.

Cloth Puppets, we have had ours since Zoe's first birthday and they pull them out so often that they are worn thin. Great for baby through toddler years (and beyond).

These playmats are not something I have but it's something we wanted in our playroom at our house in the burbs, PERFECT grandparent gift for someone with room. You can even take it outside.

I gifted these soft blocks for a friends little one and may re-buy for my niece and nephew.

My cousin has this for her little one when she was traveling a ton and it's seriously one the best things, keeps kiddos entertained and a learning toy. Love having both of those in a gift.

These crinkle gifts are great gifts for littles, easy to pack in the stroller or on a plane but I swear it has kept both my girls entertained for long periods of time.

These keys are for younger babes but I just ordered for Amani, because she is forever taking ours to play with (AKA while mine are always lost).

The girls have this little basketball hoop (now at my mom's) and this tee-ball set my cousin bought for her 1 year old, I think both really grow with a toddler, can be played with indoors and out!

CAT Mini Trucks Ami has these and they are her favorites.

The girls had this push and ride car in red and we LOVED it for getting around, I also got Ami this little red Mercedes ride on car for her first birthday and they still scoot around the apartment in it.

We had this piano and love how realistic it looks, this Melissa & Doug one is great too,

They also have had a little guitar since Zoe's first birthday, this instrument set too.They still play with all of these often!

I am going to continue to add to these as I go through old baby toys that we have loved and gifted and REALLY stick to a lot of well made, learning based fun toys that the girls have LOVED.

Ahhhh so many more to come! Stay tuned!




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