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Early Reader Chapter Books

We have been reading chapter books for a few years now, first just me reading out loud while Zoe colored or painted and especially while I was on bedrest pregnant with Ami and then Audible books in the car! But now that Zoe is reading we take turns reading or read along side each other and IT IS MY FAVORITE, yup I am yelling in glee. I have been waiting for reading along side each other forever. Reading along side each other in my opinion is almost as good as me being able to take a bath while the girls play with each other and not be in danger... lol If your a mom or dad you totally get this!!

I thought that since the 2nd most asked question on my Instagram DM's is book recommendations for early readers I thought I'd start rounding them up here on the blog. Here are a few favorites and some we really cannot wait to start.

Roald Dahl Series - hilariously written and keeps them both engaged, especially when I do different voices.

The Lemonade Series, is on our list of fun books to read. Reviews from our Librarian are great with these!

Dory Fantasmagory Series is hilarious, Zoe has read two of these on her own and giggled her way through it in a couple days.

Magic Tree House is one of our favorite series EVER, so imaginative and so much actual history in these, so I feel like we are learning about a new subject after every book. We just read the Thanksgiving one and I felt like it was great dab into learning about the first Thanksgiving.

Amelia Bedelia another really funny silly, some of the jokes go over her head but make for a funny out loud book for me too. I think we have two left in this collection, Zoe and I read these solo, Ami can't quite get into them but if she is there when we are reading then I leave out blocks or magnets it makes it easier for her to sit through.

Ivy & Bean is another collection on our list to start.

Princess In The Black, we just read the second one of these and I love them!

My Weird School Series is one of the funniest we have read, very easy reads and a page turner. We have read a few from the library and own a couple from this summer but this collection is an awesome gift! Either as a collection or break it apart and gift through out the year!

Hamster Princess, another series we haven't read but that looks fun and cute.

These Jake Maddox ones are a favorite in Zoe's class for the sports lovers, so cute and great early reader books.

Phoebe And Her Unicorn, another series we have yet to try but the girls in Zoe's class are very into it!

Geronimo Stilton Series, we haven't read these but when I volunteer at Z's library the kids love these, and the covers look so cute.

Do you read aloud or play Audible books to your kids? If so what are your favorites?

Not only are these great birthday gifts (I always pick a few books to gifts for each of the girls on their birthdays) but they are amazing Christmas gifts for any early reader in your life!

I will say that having Zoe see me pull out a book and read has really made an impression on her, even though it takes me about 6 months to actually finish a book. HAHAHA! In the last 5 years I have listened to books while I multitask and not read many but we are entering a different stage where I plan on making it a priority to read more because I really love reading.




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