I have been making a version of this body butter for years, as gifts and for the girls and I. It's just the most effective and not to mention inexpensive way to fight dry skin. It has been a saving grace with the girls eczema.
But I say this lightly because I DO NOT THINK THIS IS A CURE ALL. It is a part of what keeps their skin healthy. Other big part are:
1. We stick to products with NO fake chemical fragrances, no junk and as clean as possible! It's time to make the switch. The girls body wash, shampoo & conditioner and detergent we use.
2. I also think there is a huge correlation between gut & skin health, so probiotics (yogurt for your yogurt eaters (or in a pill/powder form for kiddos like Ami who need extra boost and will not have a gummy), limiting dairy during winter months and using epsom salt detox baths all in conjunction to keeping them moisturized with this goodness.
(I promise to get better at these videos one day! lol!!)
1/2 cup of organic shea butter
1/3 cup organic virgin coconut oil
8 -15 drops of lavender, copaiba and gentle baby essential oil from young living, I can order these for you or get from where ever you get high quality 100% essential oils!
(After I filmed the video I ended up adding more essential oils because I found it needed more scent, especially for bedtime routine. )
Heat the shea butter and coconut oil until it's completely liquified (about 45 - 60 seconds in the microwave, ALSO make sure the container is glass and that you are being super careful not to burn yourself.)
Add the essential oils to the liquid (both lavender and copaiba are super healing oils, and can help everything from cracked skin to super sensitive/irritated skin!)
Shake, shake, shake, shake and shake some more.
It takes about 1 day to firm up completely so make sure you are shaking it every time you walk by it, until it firms up completely. Shaking it as much as possible allows all the goodness to meld together
And lastly, generously apply to skin 2+ times a day. Like everything in life consistency is key here so apply in the AM, before bed and anytime in between. I use on my hand and feet a ton too.
This is great for windburn cheeks, eczema and just plain ol' winter dry skin. Shoot even your hair can benefit from a little of this as a hair mask! My sweet mama friend, Judy is going to step in and share more of these little essential oil gems on a regular basis which is truly so special since I have learned so much from her.