(don't mind me cracking up at my photo shoot with a remote and hubby's shirt on)
Post-partum boobs are just bleh. LoL Well at least for me me. Nursed Z for 18+ months and A for almost 30 months! And man oh man my ladies are not the same. A tad bit embarrassing but I find that it's not just me, many women suffer from this. And as I get closer(ish) to my fitness goal, I realize that the bra size will keep changing, so I have yet to spend a ton on bras (and bras that don't fit correctly may I add).
But I needed something, so I ordered a bunch of Target bras in hopes to find some budget friendly that fit right, support well and are comfy. And in efforts to be super transparent I have to admit I like to have a different bra for each different occasions. The sexy bra that has a few matching undies, the sports bra for the workouts or shoot just sweat pant days, then I have my sleeping or yoga bra, and finally the cute and cozy bra that is still suitable for exiting the apartment. So here is what I ended up with and loved.

First up, *tip: I finally ordered us a drying rack. Gosh the whole hanging clothes around the laundry room was fine but all over our tiny apartment was getting to me. And the key to keeping the bras and any delicates for that matter, in nice shape, is washing on gentle and hang drying.
This lace option is by far my favorite. The support is awesome, comfy enough that I can almost wear it all day, and it's REALLY pretty. I have the mauve and burgundy but just ordered the whit and black so I can keep rotating them.
*tip#2: you should not wear your bra two days in a row to keep it at it's best/not stretched out.
Then here is my sleeping bra, the bralette, I ordered two of each color in a few sizes (and ended up keeping the large). So comfy, still some support, and I can be seen at the garbage shoot without embarrassment.
This lace padded bralette is perfect for slouchy off the shoulder sweaters, a little sexy, a little cute but supportive and best of all very comfortable. So it will be easy to chase, and play with crazy-pants kids while lounging by the fire in Vermont.
This t-shirt bra is most definitely one of my favorites for when I need something smooth, I really loved this. I would suggest trying a band size up on this one!
The racerback one is lined lightly just the same as the t-shirt bra but I find that it gives the ladies a bit of a boost, without being a major VS model push up bra. Perfect for when they need a boost.
I absolutely love this bra, it gives a light lift but not over the top. I will be honest I didn't keep this one because I felt like I was falling out of it (soft boob tissue problems!) but would be great for someone smaller chested, definitely worth a try!
Lastly this strapless one, which surprisingly I LOVED.
I am still waiting on this leopard one, and I am very excited about it. Will report back. Also waiting on the bodysuit in all three colors, the perfect layering piece!
This thermal bralette with these jogger, and this sherpa pullover = the perfect weekend look.
The Joy Lab sports bras are all REALLY great but I especially love the high neck ones for spinning classes.
And that is it from Target in the BRA section, if you haven't given there undergarments/loungewear/pj's a chance in a bit I would do it asap. Best thing is that none of these bra's are over $25!