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6 Ways To Get Through When Your Kids Are Sick

Hey mama, I see you, exhausted, trying to remember if and when you showered, on the verge of tears because your house is a mess, and your little one won’t let you even put them down.

And I am here to tell you two things, first, you are not alone. We have all had these moments, same clothes for days, feeling isolated and sad because our babies are sick

Second, this too shall pass.

It may seem like the end is no where in sight, like they may just never get better and you’ll never get sleep or go to the bathroom alone but it will happen. I promise they will get better (and get sick again!) you will have hot coffee, you will sleep again, and you will feel like a human again! I promise.

But in the meantime here are some things I do to get through.

  1. Stick to the bare minimum. Takeout, yes, screen time, yup, pj’s all day, uh huh, forgo laundry, yups, do what you definitely need to get by and leave the rest for another time. Save the energy and the frustration.

  2. Indulge in your favorite treat, coffee made the perfect way, your favorite piece of chocolate, that tea you save for guests, drink it slowly.

  3. Ask for help. From a friend, family, neighbor, husband, or babysitter. Or all of them. I have a hard time with this one but you have got to In order to get through.

  4. Do not feel guilty. Shake off the tsk tsk of too much screen time or takeout, or that bare minimum. This is one I am also working on but seriously, shake it off. We may seem superhuman but we are not and surviving, resting, taking care of our babies is the #1 priority here.

  5. Hydrate, take your vitamins, get those greens in. After two weeks of sick kids, no sleep and anxiety, I found myself waking up feeling like a truck hit me. I could not afford to get sick but it’s inevitable when I am not taking care of myself. I like to buy bottled green juice or make smoothies for a few days when the girls are down, for me and them. Not to mention make sure I am actually eating, I get so much anxiety when the girls are sick, that it’s crippling and I need a reminder that I cannot run on empty.

  6. Plan for a break. That hot bath after bedtime, a massage for when they are better, mani pedi while your SO takes on a morning shift, a walk with a friend. A drive while you catch up on the phone with a friend. Plan something to look forward to.

I hope that these things help you get through sick days!



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