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35 Busy Time Links For Kiddos When Your Home During Coronavirus

In this time of uncertainty and social distancing I am trying to create a routine for the girls. And since I truly enjoy the crafting and activities I thought I would share some of the tools we always keep on hand to keep them learning and busy, some ways to keep your kids busy during this whole social distancing.

I love these containers to plan out a few busy boxes, especially for when I need the girls to keep busy/keep me sane.

Here is a whole Pinterest Board on busy boxes that the girls both really enjoy.

Painting is a huge part of our lives over here, we LOVE it. We have these water colors (but one day I'll try the paste set for color mixing) I just stocked up on water color paper (on sale!) and I also got the girls these table top easel's & added some brushes

You can also paint with tempura paint, which the girls love this too.

We also really enjoy a work book, I usually get from Costco or BJ's but these Kumon 10 Minutes A Day Books (we have the 1st Grade Math one and Spanish one)

and we got this Kumon Set last summer.

The School Zone brand ones are also great, we have subject ones and also the PreK and First Grade one.

For beginning reading we used these BOB books and I cannot recommend them enough!! We will use them again with Ami this summer.

I have this book I used with Zoe as a supplement to what she learned in Kindergarten and I swear it was key in her learning. I'll use it with Ami again (I started around 3.5 - 4 with Zoe).

And now it's just important that Z has books she loves to keep the reading going. She loves an autobiography, and these National Geographic ones & Who Was are her favorites (current obsession anything to do with Martin Luther King Jr.) I am thinking this American History collection may be on our list of gifts for her.

And these Little Leaders books are also really great, for Ami I read out loud and she loves the photos, but lately Zoe has been reading to her during quiet time and it's quite frankly my favorite.

These My Weird School chapter books are hilarious and easy to read out loud to both girls, we also love the Magic Tree House set (these are also on audible!), I cannot Wait to start the Boxcar Children or Harry Potter with her!!! Whatever it is get them books that you keep out that would interest them. She reads for 15 minutes in the AM and 15+ minutes in the PM.

Educational Games, are also a fun way to keep kids screen free, entertained and learning. I have this post on our favorite family games.

And let's not forget good sensory toys like Kinetic Sand & Toys ( we will be putting this in our water table but you can do this in a plastic container to contain & store) this is is also an awesome deal. We love these water beads, these fidget pop toys are also great, can be used in the kinetic sand or water (they were in my bath time post), we love these play scarves, this parachute has been a huge favorite for years (great for younger kids but Zoe enjoys it too.

We also really love anything to keep them moving while indoors. We use to have this little trampoline (may need another), have friends that have this bouncy house (can we fit this into our apartment??!), Balance Board and Balance Stones are daily favorites to get them moving in doors.

And sometimes, (like just now as I wrote this post) you can clear a table, put a bunch of scrap paper, washi tape, painters tape, glue sticks, all of the things in this bucket (love that it can store everything organized) and any boxes from your recycle bin. And the only direction is, build something. Ami will usually just glue and cut, and tape and then paint but today she had a "happy sail boat in mind"! Love little creative brains!!

Hopefully these are helpful as you go on to planning for the next week!




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