Summer is my absolute jamn. And this being Zoe's first real summer break I want to make it fun and memorable. But fun and memorable doesn't have to be complicated. Here are 25 ways to enjoy summa summa time.
So here we go!
1. Scavenger hunt. You can create your own, make them up as you go along or use some of these (park scavenger hunt // free summer printable scavenger hunts //
2. Lemonade Stand! We have kids doing them near here all the time and I have promised Zoe we will be doing one soon.
3. Hunt for rocks and paint them.
4. Set up a relay race at the park/backyard! Prizes tooooo.
5. Eat dinner outside as many nights as possible! We love packing up our dinner or any meal and heading outside with a blanket, bubble maker (and even wine for mama).
6. Flex that library card. And check out free activities they may be having.
7. Painting! We do this often but the best part of summer is taking it outside, pull out the painters canvas and let them go to town.
8. Crafting box. I have a container filled with tape, paint, scissors and a basket full of recyclables that they get to just make things with. Think toilet paper rolls, shoe boxes, scraps of paper, paper straw and anything else.
9. Plan a day trip! Pack lunches, change of clothes and head to the zoo or aquarium. Check your library for discounted tickets!!
10. Create a summer I'm Bored Jar that you can all pick from and
11. Get them in the kitchen. I try and bake with the girls once a week, even during the school year but in the summer it's so much more fun! Especially since Zoe can read the recipes and they pick what they are making together. Homemade pizza Fridays are also our favorites, be prepared for a HUGE MESS but so much fun.
12. Set a game night, this can be a weekly thing, a nice snack board (more on that soon), wine for the parents and fun treats made by the losing team!
13. Build forts and play in them all day. We have bought two of these kits so we can build adult friendly forts and the girls love when we build them and read/eat all our meals and even watch a movie on our tablets in them. Make them out of cardboard boxes, sheets and the table, whatever you can! They LOVE when we have fun like kids and gosh it makes for the best memories.
14. Make sock puppets, pull aside all the older socks or even this set, and then let them put together a show for the parents!
15. Fill up a kiddie pool and splash in the water with them or turn on and run through the sprinklers with them!
16. List out splash pads or playgrounds you haven't visited and pick one day a week that you visit ones on the list!
17. Set up a water balloon fight or let them! These balloons make filling a bunch of them easy peasy. The girls bring these to the playgrounds and have fun, stay cool and I get a few minutes of quiet.
18. Stay up late and catch fireflies, the girls did this with our friend Deej last weekend and omg their faces was worth every single mosquito bite, hahahah. Bust on the safe bug spray, make some smores and catch some fireflies!
19. Find a drive in movie or movie at the park, don't forget to pack the homemade popcorn and snacks. Lot's of places have one or the other and it makes for some really incredible family time. And if you have room in the budget for one a small projector like this could allow you to host some pretty epic movie nights, anyone have a rooftop we can borrow?
20. Make homemade play-doh or slime!! I am planning on making some play-doh and adding some essential oils! The girls can sit and play with this for a long chunk of time with these play-doh tools, I also let them use them with their Kinetic Sand. But the whole process of making it together is always so much fun.
21. Family Bike/scooter ride! O and I don't have bike's here yet but I know that we eventually will, and the thought of all of us getting out to ride is just my idea of summer fun! Even just a post dinner walk can be so fun, just take a different route to make it a little more interesting.
22. Play hair salon. And if your kiddos are like mine this could mean an hour of entertainment. We have a bin of barbies and a set of clothes like this and this hair stuff that can keep them busy for a big chunk of time. They also do the same with their American Girl Dolls and clothes like these that we have acquired between my mom/MIL/sister.
23. Or play nail salon! I can also usually con them into cutting their nails if I promise to paint them! These stickers are awesome too.
24. Set Up a talent show! This could be an awesome playdate idea, or just for your family. Everyone chooses a talent and I pull out all the dress-up stuff for full effect. My girls are pure entertainers so they have a blast.
25. Make and fly paper airplanes! There are books, kits and just google different designs! We have so much fun with this.
My summer rules in general are to make sure they are using their imaginations, staying busy (so you don't go crazy) and that they are having FUN. Sending all the fun so that we can get in a few early bedtimes your way mama.