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15 Favorite Arts & Crafts Supplies

Happy Monday my friends.

Back to reality, routine and school today. And mama is not ready. I mean I know that once we are back into the swing we will be fine but right now I am just sad! Ugh, I miss having both my girls home together.

Now back to promised posts. I get so many questions on our favorite crafting & art supplies that I keep promising to add to our Instagram Shopping page but haven't had a chance to. Well, there is nothing like winter sickness taking over your home for 6 weeks to help you see what all of your favorites are.

And well here they are, tried and true favorites! Some have been accumulated over time, some gifts (whenever someone asks what kind of gifts the girls would like I always say, they love to craft, paint and create!

Not to say that they both could sit doing these crafts or projects for very long from the beginning, it happened over time. So keep at it, we listen to a book or podcast, music or sometime I read Zo's library book out loud.

Another tip: don't just say "let's paint!", say "let's paint our own dinosaurs!" or our family or whatever, but having some direction for littles is always helpful. Plus if you make it exciting they will get super into it. I also like to keep the theme going with library or audible books, even a movie and a craft to go along with the theme. Pinterest is my love language here.

Happy week!



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