Tea Set # 1| Tea Set # 2 |. Tea Set # 3 | Ami's flower PJ's w/ matching doll | Zoe's Ballerina PJ w/ matching doll
Hey hey hey!
We have somewhat survived the week, and although it was another week consumed with sickness we made sure to make it super fun with miss Zoe. Now we can count down until we leave for April vacation!! Anyone else surviving on a mere thought of warmer weather.
I thought I'd keep in stride and share my favorite weekly post. Now for 5 things that I do every time someone seems to have kicked a virus.
1. Do all the laundry. Sheets, sleep sacks, pillow cases, all the blankets, towels, and rugs. I use this Thieves Laundry detergent and add a capful of the Thieves cleaner concentrate for a boost.
2. Clean those floors. I bought this steam mop and am obsessed. I try and do the floors 3 times a week but especially after we've kicked a bug.
3. Fill the bellies with goodness, Vitamin C, green smoothies, and back to a veggie filled plate for dinner. It's so hard to not feed them some indulgences when they are so sick, we have a one track mind toward just keep them hydrated but once we are starting to feel better we try and get right back to our pretty healthy eating.
4. Epsom salt. After I've scrubbed the toilet and tub we make sure to soak the girls in a little epsom salt bath. It's a little detox that helps make sure those toxins are on there way out. I usually make sure and soak myself too. Add a little lavender to get them relaxe.
5. Diffuse all the oils while we rest as much possible. This is key, resting definitely help everyone recover, especially grownups that are probably not be sleeping much either. I remind myself not to feel guilty (especially hard during vacation week) but the rest and slowing down, is what we all need to recoup.
These are the 5 things we have been doing for the last day or so. And will continue on through the weekend. We need to be 100% by Monday so here goes! Now happy weekend my friends.
I'll be playing catch up this weekend and next week:
I'll be getting Ami's update up on le blog, tips on kids in the kitchen,-how to wear a structured blazer now and a FAQ post (hoping this is a video!!), plus our arts & crafts corner must haves (per your request!).
Please shoot me a note with anything you'd like to see on here in March :)