Hey hey we survived. Survived the week. Survived the month. Survived.
And as I sat here doing the things ones does to prepare for the weekend I thought I'd share them. Simple things that you can do to make the weekend a good one.
1. Run and empty the dishwasher. Simple as that, start that weekend with an empty dishwasher and perhaps announce it to your household. This way dished don't pile up!!! I swear it makes me happy to have a clean sink and the counters even end up cleaner this way.
2. Clean up your space. Gosh this is the old lady in me but starting my morning off without having to pick up toys or counters makes me FRIGGEN HAPPY. I wipe down counters and vacuum, clean off the table, clean the sink, run the dishwasher, clean lunch boxes/water bottles and put away all toys (even if it's just into one of our catch-all baskets) every night. This is one of my favorites way to wake up and have that all done. But especially on the weekend when I know everyone can just enjoy the weekend.
3. Order Groceries. I was going to say buy groceries but man isn't ordering groceries the best damned thing ever. I order on Friday morning so we have all the things we need for the weekend/week. Which means I also meal plan & clean out our fridge before the groceries get here. One of us usually runs out and grabs the meat & flowers for the week, which I'll probably do this week so I can get a walk in.
4. Plan out the weekend musts. House projects, cleaning something out, workouts etc. I usually check the weather, the calendar (for two social calendars are much more full than ours) and make my lists (and share with the hubby). Last week we rearranged the living room to make It more functional + had a family playdate and the Superbowl, and this week I want to organize our game/movie console, ordering some furniture that we need to replace in the girls room and making sure we get out for something fun.
5. Get one load of towels, napkins, kitchen towels, and sheets done (sometimes I throw in the girls pj's too). I usually do this when they are eating dinner and then dry them while they are in the bath. ake this mama happy. Laundry just seems a lot less hectic when I do a load every day & put it away, rather than letting it pile up (tiny city washer and dryers make laundry day a TASK!).
It may not be life changing for most but for me, being the best version of myself just means I have to really make a priority the things that leaves room for the good stuff. For laughing and sitting with the girls while they eat or play, for sitting and actually watching a movie or waking up to a clean kitchen. You know the little things to make mama happy.
And to be honest this pre-weekend checklist may look different for everyone, but what I want to say is that making a conscious effort to think about what can make the weekend easier is a great start. Then hang that checklist or write it out on your weekly calendar to make sure you can cross it off.
Here is to hoping that you can make your weekend a little easier!
Happy weekend!!
PS watch out for some V-Day crafts, date night looks you can actually wear and a weeknight dinner round up to simplify your meal planning.