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Amazon Buys

You guys know I am all about that Amazon life. And well I am usually sharing on Instagram stories but I have gotten so many requests to keep it regular on here, so let's try a monthly one. Tackling the usual categories that I buy for.


Kid stainless steel tumblers just ordered another set,

Santa brought the girls these water cup for school,

Water books (we got these from Santa and they are the best for restaurants, travel, car etc), These glitter watercolor gel pens are THE best,

Wikki Stix (I keep a couple packages in my purse for restaurants or waiting at appts), I have a restaurant or snow/rain day stash of little activities., do you?

Who Am I puzzle, Twister (so much fun on family night)

Kinetic sand, solid tempura paint sticks,

Zoe got this swim doll from a bestie for her bday & Ami got the curly haired one from Zoe)

kiddo & doll pj's great gift from the girl's god mother! (going to buy the heart ones for V-Day gifts)

this sleep sack was one of Ami's gifts, everything "yeyowww"

Neoprene sleeves so we waste less paper napkins wrapping our frozen yogurts.

We have hit the hitting when I am upset stage, so this book was a necessary!


Amber spray bottles, got this magnetic dry erase calendar for our door to keep track of life,

Silicone bags to replace sandwich bags in the kitchen. ( I got the set of two sizes) so far I LOVE.

and this other brand just came in the mail.

These car organizers are everything.

Mama & Dada

Epsom Salt, ALWAYS have this on hand for detox bath soaks for me and the girls. 19 pounds!!

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