Holy Moly it's been over two months since I have been on here and honestly it's fine. I am usually apologizing but the truth is I am working on being more gracious with myself. In order to survive the hubby getting the flu, having a death in the family, two birthdays, our first Christmas traveling, and recently another bout of sickness that hit me the hardest, I had to pick priorities.
Guess what won, YUP you got it, my two tiny humans that depend on me. The other thing that won was my Beautycounter business.
It was an incredible end of year for my Beautycounter business and shoot I am friggen proud. I was in HR Management & Talent Acquisition (recruiting) in my past life, and as I grew my team (and continue to do so) I was reminded about how much I love this!! The coaching, and helping people reach their potential in a field they love has always been a specialty and well I cannot wait for what 2019 has to offer.
And I officially have a 2 and 5 year old, people. The whole mess about the days are long and years are insanely ridiculously fast is REAL. Gosh 5 years sped by and now here I am sitting in the kitchen of our apartment, peeking at the girls (somewhat) playing together as I work on a business I have made a priority to grow. I may be tired but working on not just itching for bed time, working on just being in the moment more.
I don't do resolutions any more, just goals. My big goal for 2019 for me is a year of continuing to make an effort to be the best version of myself.
That means allowing myself to be in the moment more often than not.
That means moving a bit more every day.
That means taking time for myself more often.
That means having an organized home that allows for more time for us to just BE.
That means continuing to build my business and mentor my team.
That means eating real foods, and not feeling guilty over indulging.
That means sticking to drinking more water than coffee.
That means continuing to make the switch to safer through out our lives.
That means doing MORE of what brings JOY.
That means reading, laughing, and watching, more.
That means reaching out for help, to say hello, to stay in touch.
The best version of myself. Getting closer to the mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend and neighbor that I WANT TO BE (not to be confused with who society wants me to be.)
Have you thought about what the best version of you looks like? And once you have what it looks like, let's break it up and see how we get there.