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Oil Blends For Cold & Flu Season w/ Judy

I am beyond thrilled to share this post from my homeschooling & oil guru mama/ contributor. One of my goals for 2018 (better late than never) was to have some contributors that would be able to round out the content and help me stick to being more consistent without spreading myself to thin.

And you guysssssss I have so many good things coming for you!!

So here is the incredible Judy, here to share a little about herself and some favorite blends for this time of the year.


Hey guys, Judy here!

I got into oils 5 years ago. After I bought the kit I used them for two months and said it was all bogus. But it wasn't working because I was not consistent with them.

I was getting sick 5-7 times a year but like the kick you on your butt, for weeks kind of sick.. It was horrible. I was over it and ready to try anything, so almost 2 years later (3 years ago ) I gave it another try.

I opened my kit and never looked back. In the last year Ive probably gotten really sick once. I would get the sniffles or a tickle in my throat for no more than a day without nipping it in the butt by loading up on oils and by the next day it would be gone.

(BTW This may be TMI but we are all in it together here!!! ) I have also suffered from constipation, other digestion and abdominal issues for all my life. After spending so much money and time on specialists, MRI's, colonoscopy and copays they told me nothing was abnormal. I decided that I'd do some digging around and solve this holistically. With oils and supplements from Young Living I finally feel normal and healthy enough to say I have none of those issues while I stay on track. Obviously my water intake, celery juice every morning and eating a pretty good diet also help but here I am a total believer.

And don't get me wrong I believe in modern medicine and doctors when necessary but you guys these oils work and have changed my life.

I cannot wait to share more with you guys about my journey with oils, especially as we get ready for baby #4 and a move to TEXAS!


Now for my favorite blends for this time of year!

Wellness Roller (10 ml glass roller bottle)

Kids 3+

5 Drops Purification Essential Oil (8 Drops for Adults)

5 Drops Thieves Essential Oils (15 Drops for Adults)

3 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil (8 Drops for Adults)

3 Drops Lemon Essential Oil ( 5 Drops for Adults))

1 drop Oregano Essential Oil (5 Drops for Adults)

Fill the rest of the roller with fractionated coconut oil or carrier oil of your choice

Gently roll the bottle between your hands to mix before each use!

Swipe the bottom of your feet & Spine 2x a day and increase to 4x a day when feeling icky!)


Chest Rubs

The over the counter stuff is filled with lots of duckies so we make our own!

Kids 3+

8 Drops R.C. Essential oil (12 drops for Adults)

8 Drops Joy Essential oil (12 drops for Adults)

8 Drops Melrose Essential oil (12 drops for Adults)

8 Drops Peppermint Essential oil (12 drops for Adults)

1/2 Cup Cold Pressed Organic Coconut Oil

Scoop Coconut Oil into a bowl and nuke to liquify (easier to mix this way!) Add oils.

Massage on backs and low on the chest under pjs for your littles, I like to place an undershirt and PJ over the rub so they don't rub into their eyes. This works well for the bottom of feet of kiddos with a cough, place socks on over it!


Chest Roller

5 Drops R.C. Essential oil (15 drops for Adults)

4 Drops Lemon Essential oil (10 drops for Adults)

4 Drops Essential oil (10 drops for Adults)

2 Drops Thyme Essential oil (5 drops for Adults)

Organic fractionated coconut oil or carrier oil of your choice

Fill the rest of the roller with fractionated coconut oil or carrier oil of your choice

Gently roll the bottle between your hands to mix before each use!

Apply a few swipes to your chest for breathing support, Also recommend diffusing 4 drops of each while you sleep , as breathing can be more difficult during the night.


Next week I'll be sharing a post on homeschooling, I interviewed Judy and can't wait to share all of knowledge this lady has! We are hoping for a bi-monthly post on oils and homeschooling so stay tuned!



PS please send over any questions you may have on either of these subjects!

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