I am down 68 pounds (as of this AM's weigh in), and almost at my weight pre-Zoe, I've signed up for for another 3 months, feeling really great (most days) and hoping to finish this year on super strong note. i have about another 20 pounds to get to my goal.
It has been one heck of a year, starting off with Ami's diagnosis, a job offer for the hubs that we thought long and hard about and accepted, selling our home & moving here to NYC which really had a huge effect on each week's weigh-in (or lack of!) but I am here sharing knowing I will finish the year off strong and hoping you will hold me accountable.
Plus if you want to try this little WW life then direct message me and I will send you a referral with a free month to your account! Now I find it necessary to say that this is not a sponsored post. But the three times I have lost weight (after my car accident & bed rest recovery, after my first pregnancy and this time after my second babe) it has been with the point counting life. Mainly because writing sh*t down holds me accountable!!! Plus I can drink wine, eat chocolate and french fries. Just being real...
I try my best to live the 80/20 life, and giving in to french fries at least one day a week.
Here are some things that come to mind about WW that will hopefully help !
Online has worked for me with babies but In-Person meetings worked a lot better.
I don't weigh everything (but maybe I should) I do measure when I can.
I look up points before I eat or buy something, this allows me to make a conscious decision on if it's "worth it". Sometimes IT IS SO WORTH IT.
I track points as I use them, waiting till the end of the day is usually trouble for me.
I leave the "extra points" for the weekend or a special night out.
I make sure I am active for 30 minutes every day, here in NYC that is easy and not always on the treadmill.
Rewards are not always food related for me, like splurging on some great work out leggings (like the Peach ones above!!) a cute dress or a massage can be a great way to reward yourself on hitting a small goal.
Speaking of small goals, set them. I have a small goal for each month or even week can keep your eyes on the prize.
Don't be so hard on yourself. I bounced up and down for 4 months straight. It's life, it happens. Take the yoga class, drink more water and move on. But the key is, move on and start up again. This is why I love WW, you always have next week's weigh-in to plan for.
Have a buddy join with you. This is MOTHER F'ING key. someone to talk you off the ledge, share recipes with, and maybe even go to meetings with.
Have fun with it. See how many zero point dinners you can come up with, treat your sweet tooth to something yummy and low point.
I have so much to share about this journey, more food tips and even some tools I've come to rely on, so stay tuned.
This post was done in partnership with Peach, I have been a customer before I became a partner. Love their mission, their CEO and the clothing is phenomenal. Thank you always for supporting the brands that support this little blog of mine!
Check out other posts with Peach.