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Costco Favorite Buys

Hey hey my friends.

We started school this week and it was rough. But I am hoping that a few more weeks of making friends on all parts and we will feel better about all of this. For now I am just sticking to making life a bit easier, maybe a little more meal prepping and cooking on Sundays and Mondays so we can have more fun during the week after school. And on that note I thought I would share some things we stock out fridge and pantry with.

So this is not a sponsored post at all but I posted our Costco delivery over the weekend (which is a huge part of being prepared for me! healthy goodies to stock the stroller, lunch bags and our plates with). Plus helllooooo NYC is EXPENSIVE AF.

So here are our favorites. And obviously going to the store is my favorite, but getting the car our of parking, with two girls, lugging it up on a cart, driving out of the city or all the way uptown andddddd most likely doing this solo is just no my jamn. So helllooo delivery.

Another favorite, I freeze half and we also eat these with a spoon, crackers or veggies. another immune system boosting food.

Ami's FAVORITE snack. She calls them crackers and they are really great to boost the immune system. I let her wrap rice in them too.

for smoothies, for sick days (to rehydrate). Always have some in the fridge.

we love these. love the portions. love that they are very allergy friendly too.

our favorite turkey bacon, another non-organic but it's the only one the hubby will eat.

not organic but the girls love them and treat it as a treat, bring it to pick-up for Zoe to have!

I also wish I could hide these from the girls.... my fav snack.

If I had space I'd buy 3 of these. smoothies, sides, muffins or blended into every meal I make...

we make our own "trail mix" and also just have little baggies of them for the stroller.

these things save me, snack, cooked with fried rice or as a side sautéed with mint and butter . The girls love them frozen and I don't even fight them on it.

I wish this came in a bigger container. I put this on everything and Ami eats it as a side to almost every meal. Great for gut health and her immune system. Zoe is a I don't eat that stage but usually eats it too.

These are the girls favorites, with cheese, hummus, guac or alone. I like them with nutella...

I hid these so I don't have to share them!!! SO GOOD.

these we tried for the first time and omg we went through half a container! So moist, yummy with jelly/sun butter or alone.

OMG we eat too many of these, we love them with carrots, cucumbers, chips/crackers or with a spoon solo. Freeze half of these too.

we don't do juice often but when we of I love these! Sweetened with fruit juice and really great for cold season too.

for smoothies, snacking on (The girls love frozen fruit) and popsicles!

Ok so these are my favs! I usually scroll through the Organic tab to see if they have anything new, and will be stocking up on grains, flax seed and chia seed next time. But I usually buy all my organic beans at Whole Foods, they are about 10 cents cheaper and well now we don't have the room for bulk so I buy a couple weeks worth via Amazon Fresh.

Hopefully this helps!!

Now make sure and drop your favorites in the comments!



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