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Five Friday Favorites & Jitter Juice Recipe

A little late to this one but I am here sharing Five Friday favs on Saturday, and sticking to our Back to School Theme, anddddd our jitter juice recipe! How many of you have littles starting school for the first time this year?

1.First Day Jitters: I am thinking of you bracelets. We did this last year and it worked like a charm, I wear one and you wear the other, and when we miss each other we will be able to look down and know that we are thinking of each other. This can work with a bracelet, rubber band or even a hair tie!

2. Learning about their day Tip: Love these question ideas to get kids talking about their day! (I am going to print and hang them in our kitchen, we also do worse and best part of our day + what we are grateful for at dinner time.

3. Routine Tip: Love this little morning routine checklist, also something I plan on printing for Zoe, maybe making my own with some photos. this one has bedtime, after school and morning one. (do what works for you!) Having them be a part of what has to get done everyday is SO helpful and less stress on everyone.

4.Lunch Tip: I make a version of this list every week while meal planning and will continue during the school year to give Zoe some choices while packing her lunch. I think including her in what goes in really helps her eat it all.

5. Getting Dressed Tip: Set out all outfits for the week! I like to hang them together (socks, undies and even accessories) and then the night before I leave on the chair in her room so she can get dressed before coming out of her room.

I saw some Jitter Juice recipes on Pinterest and new I had to try a non Sprite version, this one was Zoe approved! Scroll to the bottom for the recipe!

Hope this last weekend of summer is full of ice cream treats, watching the sunset and lots of snuggles.

Jitter Juice Recipe

(very very loose recipe and can make as little or as much you'd like/need)

1 Cup of Your Favorite Ice Cream (this Alden's Organic Birth Cake one got the thumbs up from Zoe & the ingredients from mama)

1/2 Can of Your Favorite La Croix Sparkling Water

a dash of your favorite sprinkles (we love these dye free)

(made about 2 servings!)

Serve it the night before school as a desert and don't forget to read the poem below!

Hope this last weekend of summer is full of ice cream treats, watching the sunset and lots of snuggles. Summer went by too fast around these parts but I sure am excited about the new season.

And DON'T forget about the free gifts with purchase happening over on Beautycounter right now, this Brightening Oil is one of my most recommended products, brightens/wakes up your skin and leaves it glowing. Second gift is the body lotion that we love over here. Smells so yummy and perfect for any Fall travel you have going on, to throw in your car or at your desk!



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