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10 Lunch Box Posts

Yup, it's that time. Lunch packing & praying it's something they eat. Because we all know what HANGRY toddlers are like!

I am going to start a little highlight on Instagram and share our daily lunch but for ideas I have been scouring this book! And here are 15 posts from around the web to get the ideas flowing.

And below are some of our must have's for packing lunch!

// Lunch Box //

Ours is Pottery Barn (thank you Mimi) but I love this Bee one and this Unicorn one!

Perfect for leftovers, you heat up in the morning and it stays warm till lunch time.

Ice water in the AM in hopes that she continues to drink just as much water. I just ordered two to have just for school, so I am not scrambling for a clean one every morning (just read this on another mom's instagram and it's genius!)

// Bento Box // (I am waiting on a sale for these!) Love being able to feed them a variety of things, like we do at home. We have had this for a bit, I love that it's spill proof! /

// Silicone Muffin Liners // love these for keeping things separate in the sections, Zoe is at the different foods don't touch stage.

Love these, probably not great for the littles ones but it makes lunch fun. Anything so they both eat their meals!

self explanatory with littles ones and germsssss. I am keeping this in her bag, but also will be bringing the teacher a large one for her desk in attempt to keep Ami healthy!

love these for the stroller (snacks and milk), lunch boxes and even for traveling!

I like refilling this, instead of buying the travel ones. Perfect for smaller diaper bags, and I put one into goes lunch bag for after eating!

I like to write all my notes for the week on Sunday or Monday morning, and I like to include a joke for her to ask her teach to read.

All the labels for all the things. Better than sharpies.

For extra clothes, sweaters, jackets and later for winter gear.

Hope this help's!!



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