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Five Friday Favorites

Holy moly.

I was going to say this week was a long one but the truth is the last 4 months have been long. But without sharing too much we have turned a little corner. And well as Zoe would say, "it's Friiiii DAY, almost the weekend with dada!" insert lots of happy dancing.

I am skipping my scheduled posts and sharing five favorites on this sunny snowy day.

1. Loved this article about Beautycounter!

2. My uniform lately has been a body suit with my favorite Levis, and I am loving this one!

3. My mama body can't really handle lingerie, lol but this little nightgown may already be on it's way to me (actually love this one too!)

4. All about the double duty things and this Color Pinch Cream Blusher is one of my besties fav, I am totally getting Caramel as a highlighter/lip color and the Hibiscus as blush and lip color!

5. We are planning a beach trip in a couple months and I'm totally eyeing this swim suit (one of my fav brands for the mom bod!).

Here is to hoping your weekend is full. Full of good. Because remember that life is so dang short my friends and we don't have control over much. But we do have the ability to choose happiness, positivity snd love.

Happy weekend!



Ps stay tuned for a round up of healthyish options for Superbowl Sunday, I'll post tomorrow and include in my newsletter.

Anddddd I promise to get themat tot school post up next week!

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