Hey hey lovelies,
I have found myself talking more about my love for oils and getting so many questions on them. Love love love sharing my love for these oils that are such a big part of my life.
But I thought it may be nice to have one place with some of the commonly asked questions anddddd this way my posts on what I do with them are in one place!
Why oils.
Mainly because these little bottles (oils are organic compounds extracted from plants) have huge healing abilities. Think about times with out pharmacies, and not an easy walk-in clinic or ER to go to... In those times plants, flowers were used for healing and in many parts of the country still are. Or even simply the healing properties of aromatherapy.
Common essential oils like Lavender, Frankincense, Lemon, Peppermint and Tea Tree Oil to your medicine cabinet may:
Fight cold and flu symptoms
Relax your body and soothe sore muscles
Heal skin conditions
Alleviate pain
Balance hormones
Improve digestion
Reduce cellulite and wrinkles
Clean your home
Not all oils are created equally. With YL’s “Seed to Seal” standards and only sells the highest quality product without ANY dilution or chemical additives. This is REALLY important because you are breathing in these oils on a daily basis. Also, think of the essential oil as the immune system of the plant. It supports the growth and life of the plant from seed to flower and what we are getting is the distilled oil to use for our benefit. For more information read here.
Why are YL oils more expensive than the ones I see on Amazon (or even Homegoods, CVS and Target?)? Because of the answer above, they are the best quality, completely pure and because we are using these are in our homes, touching our babies (and our own skin) we have to be careful about what you choose.
What should I get?
I recommend starting with the premium starter kit (which is what I did). This will give you 11 of the most common oils and a diffuser! The best part about the starter kit is that it gives you about $360 worth of product for only $160!! From there you can always add more, but it’s the perfect way to jump in and start changing the way you live. Ok that sounds dramatic but it's true. Or at least you can say good bye to candles forever.
The membership allows you to buy the oils at wholesale price. And YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SELL OILS OR PURCHASE MONTHLY OILS AS A MEMBER. It just means you are getting a starter kit for more than 50% off & will get 24% off retail prices on every oil, forever (totally worth it!). Think of it as a BJ's member ship.
SO to order your kit, ORDER HERE and make sure the number 11905150 appears in both the “Enroller” and “Sponsor ID” fields and choose wholesale member.