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Surviving Snow Days

Hi lovelies!

Life around these parts has been a bit stressful to say the least but after a great long weekend we got an extra day with dada, a snow day!

Snow days can be so much friggen fun!! But I would be lying if I said that they aren't hard. Especially after numerous snow days, and sick days and mamas that have to get work done at home. Being stuck inside is hard!! Last year I was recouping from a C-Section and getting acquainted to newborn life with a toddler and it made it very hard to get outside or do much. So I have vowed to make this winter a fun one for my girls. I made sure Santa left behind some fun things for indoor and outdoor winter fun!

Here are 12 things that can guarantee surviving a snow day.

6. Felt Craft Set (perfect for toddler and baby + on the go!)

7. Felt Board For Preschoolers (we have a similar one from Target and it's a huge hit!)

8. Aqua Doodle Pad - This is on my wish list for both girl, Ami is so into coloring right now and this would be so easy for them to share!

9. Slime Bath (turns water into slime, so fun and gross. lol -

10. Bath Color Tablets (Always have these on hand!)-

11. Bath paints - make a couple baths a day fun! (These are for Zoe, I would probably try the paint soon)

12. Bubble Podz, going to try these for Zoe!

Love these Hot cocoa mugs they are so cute and personalized!

My suggestion with these is to pull them out one at a time andddddd only for cold, rain or sick days. This makes them much more fun when they are out. We have a shelf in my kitchen cabinet with busy toys, mainly from the dollar aisle and a few other special things for when we are stuck at home or even to toss in my diaper bag when we are out and about. It's a huge win for everyone.

We also love this book for all of you with preschoolers, we do a few pages a day together.

Order just in time for the weekend!

Happy snow day my friends.



Coming up:

-A yummy baby + toddler recipe,

- A few ways to wear overalls (because I am obsessed) and

- A short and sweet makeup video of this flawless in 5 kit that I am currently obsessed with.

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