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10 Things To Do With Your Toddler This Week

I swear after having a December baby (and now a January baby) makes it impossible to sit and soak up the holidays. Now add a never ending 2 months of virus after virus and now pneumonia + ear infections and this mama is not doing anything but missing sleep and over dosing on reheated coffee.

And I am sure a lot of you are in the same boat, lots of anxiety and too much left to do but don't fret. There is still time to enjoy what is left of the pre-holiday celebration. For me it's about reminding my four-ager and myself that the season is not just about receiving, it's about giving, family time and making memories. I have 10 things we are tackling this week to make sure this Christmas is the best one yet.

1. Make (or buy!) holiday treats and deliver them to someone that needs to be cheered up. My favorite thing is saving my mama friends coffee orders with their names, and dropping off a coffee at a door step to a mama that needs it. We also baked a bunch of cookies last week for our delivery folks and for my mama. It felt so nice to treat people we love. Especially when they don't expect it.

2. Fill up your travel mugs with hot chocolate (extra marshmallows for all!) and popcorn for a drive around the neighborhood to check out the lights!

3. Didn't have time for family photos or holiday cards this year? Try making on online and emailing to those special people in your life.

4. Gingerbread house! Order this one online and pick up on your way home, it will be a perfect pre dinner activity, make sure and snap a few photos. :)

5. Dinner picnic by the tree. Best done with takeout and wine for mama and dada. We are doing this for lunch today too. Zoe gets so excited!!

6. Paint a picture to Santa. We have written a few and it is a perfect way for practicing letters, but what about a picture to leave him under the tree? A great activity for your little artist.

7. Salt Dough ornaments. We are making these this afternoon. Great way to get a little itty bitty handprint and a gift for just about anyone would love. Just be sure to make one to keep for your own tree.

8. Do a craft! I am obsessed with any craft that keeps a handprint!! Perfect little memory and gift. This one is adorable and we may need to try!

9. Make them a fun festive snack. Love these grinch fruit kabobs.

10. Donate. Involve your kiddos in picking out cans from your pantry, toys that they have outgrown or better yet new ones at a store to donate to those in need. We started talking about kids/people that don't have the same Christmas or food or a home to live in last year but this year she gets it and is soooo into GIVING. We donated a tree + trimmings to one family and gifts to another, she was too sick to come bring them to the families but helped pick them out and wrap them. This is so important for both my husband I, so starting early is big.

Making the next few days fun, and memorable is possible. Even with just one thing a day.



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