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25 Lunchbox Ideas

Hey hey mamas!

It's FRIDAY!!!! And a long weekend to boot. I don't know what happened these last two days but my Zoe has been OFF the way crazy pants. LOL anyone else's toddler being nutso?

Well we toured her big girl school this week, I got in 3+ miles 4 out of the 5 days and got to bed early almost every night. I did drop two pounds (wooohooo Weight Watchers!) and although I wish I could have gotten more done I am reminding myself that a cluster feeding sickie babe is hard and well I can't do it all.

I thought I'd share this post for all of you mamas that are starting to plan out packing lunch boxes. Hard to think about school starting next week but best to plan and make it all less stressful.

**I plan on sharing a round up of both toddler meals and baby food a couple times a month (since this is probably my 2nd most requested post & I'll be sharing more about these incredible Nuby plates/bowls that were sent to me. Have always been a big fan of the brand and now even more as we tackle meal time for 2 babes! **


11. what I fed the twins this week ( love this series)

Now go off and enjoy this long weekend! Just make sure to forward this on to another mama who needs a little lunch box inspiration for next week!



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