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{ Bebe: In The Toy Box For Your 3-Ager }

We have a few birthdays coming up for Z's friend's and well since everyone is asking for gift ideas, I thought I'd share what I have been ordering or suggesting.

This may sound silly but my first rule of thumb is text, email or call the mama or dadda of this babe and ask the good old, what do you NOT want in the gift bag. In our case if I see another stuffed animal I may send you home with 5 of the ones I have strategically stuffed in baskets... So BEWARE. Ha. Sooo not kidding.

I try really hard to ask a parent what I should or should not get. And since toddler's interest change from one day to the next, I also like to ask for favorites (Peppa, Sofia, Daniel, coloring, painting, fear of dino's?) and then I turn to my assistant (AKA AMAZON PRIME or Target since you can order online and pick up at the store after you grab that venti whatever from Starbucks) to order. Another rule of thumb, it does not have to be a huge gift but getting something they'll actually use vs just getting a gift is a HUGE win for both parent and child. This year I am looking for things that will keep the little entertained with another babe joining the mix + cooped up winter months.

1. The Learning Journey Match It! Who Am I? (we have recently gotten soooo into these puzzles!)

7. Lil'Doll Cradle (you probably have plenty of "babies" by now but a cradle would be welcomed and not an eye sore!)

8. Super Hero Cape & Mask Set (for dress-up fanatics like my girl)

9. Melissa & Doug Fold & Go Barn (this is on the top of Zoe's list to Santa & I like anything that is fold & go because it's easy clean up!

10. Jigsaw Tetris (I don't know who this is more for the hubby or my toddler but Zoe lovesssss a puzzle )

11. Animal Flashlight (I don't know why but Miss Z is recently obsessed with flash lights...)

12. Is your toddler bug obsessed? This Original Ladybug Land with Live Larvae will keep them entertained!

Thinking I may keep these up weekly as we approach the holidays... Interested? Leave me a comment on the age group you'd want to see gift ideas on!

Ummm I just said holidays... Guys it's November.... OMFG.



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