One Room Challenge is my let's get sh*t down before baby comes. I am on strict orders to stay off of my feet 50% of the day. Hard as hell with a toddler plus a house that I'd love to have mostly sort of done before this babe shakes our world apart.
Add the fact that my toddler has entered the, I don't know what bedtime/sleep is. I mean we have only been doing the same routine since she was 6 months old and guys bedtime is a TERROR. Not only does she ask for a million sips of water, potty breaks, songs and I love you's (shouted until one of her parents will answer) she also then takes a ungodly amount of time to fall asleep. Oh wait, and our pup has been sick (surgery tomorrow to hopefully remove the infection and get him on the road to healing) so this mama is getting about 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Bleh. I guess this is in preparation for an infant to join us but I am tired. Like TIRED. And I miss coffee (off my daily list since heartburn has reared its ugly head months ago). Done with the pregnant mama complaints? LOL I know the hubby probably is. Shoot I am too.
I will say we are lucky that I am still pregnant and able to carry another babe. That, I am beyond grateful for. But it's not always roses around these parts. Now onto what you all came for. My first room challenge. The "guest bath".
The guest bath is on the first floor and our plan is to completely redo this bathroom in the future (husband is soooo ready to rip out that floor) but for now, I just wanted some quick updates to get it looking like the rest of the first floor. Especially since everyone that comes to our home will most likely see this bathroom. Here is a little inspo & my plan.

I had to work with the floor being really dark/ugly. Ha! So my plan is to lighten everything up and have some brass accents. But keep it functional, since this is the bathroom that gets the most use. And since operation finish as much as possible before baby gets here is in full mode, it's important to make updates that make an impact without busting the budget or taking too long. Can't wait to show you this room (which is almost done!)
paint bathroom walls
paint door and trim
paint cabinet
hang art work? photos? maybe? maybe not?
buy and add new hardware
buy accessories (rug, hand towels, glassware to hold guest stuff)
organize linen closet with rags, medicine cabinet and towels for guests)
add wood shelves to store essentials
remove towel rack and replace with hooks
replace toilet paper holder
replace light fixture
new ROUND mirror ( I am realllllyyyyyyy obsessed with round mirrors!) Thanks to my cuz P for finding this bargain one!!!
hang a tall curtain (to hide the shower)
update ugly granite or replace...
step stool
I am looking forward to actually wrapping up the projects and feeling like the house reflects us. Can I tell you that decorating with two people, two styles, two sets of likes/dislikes is hard as f*ck! lol Sorry mom there is no better way to describe that! Loved this podcast talking about blending styles in your home. Any others I should listen to/read?
So happy productive October/Monday to all of you!
Rooms I plan on sharing int he next few months:
Zoe's big girl room
Family Room
Dining Room