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{Mama Diaries: Things I Know}

There are so many dang things I don't know, so many things that scare me and when I have weeks like the past few; where the anxiety creeps up on me and almost brings me to my knees, I remind myself that there are things I do know. Here are a few things that this mama knows this week.

I know that toddlers will eat more if they shop & cook with you.

I know toddlers will talk more if you talk to & include them.

I know that life flies by but when you sit & play blocks it stands still (even if it's for just a second).

I know that when I do sit and play I can see the joy in my daughters face.

I know that many people think that stay at home moms are simply housewives but my house will tell you otherwise! ha! (Totally last on my list.)

I know that I am the luckiest girl in the world to have a husband like mine.

I know how lucky I am to be carrying another babe.

I know that when I sit at this table and write to you I feel like the old me.

I know that there is half belly fat and half actual baby belly and I'm ok with it.

I know that my family sometimes drives me nuts but will always have my back, share my joys and hold me up in my grief.

I know my friends aren't many but they are true.

I know that parts of life sometimes simply SUCK but there is so much that doesn't suck.

I know that my daughter is a reflection of me, of my patience, my love, my quick temper and thin skin, so I try every single day to be the best version of me.

I know that things won't always be the way today is and for that reason I can move forward but a part of me wants to hold on to it.

I know that life is separated into stages and this exhausted/nauseas/ barely remembering my name /no time for the rest of my life stage will soon pass onto another one.

Happy Tuesday my loves! I am getting back to posting Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays, so stay tuned and please keep the suggestions coming, I love all of your emails!



PS Check out my Shopping Bag for my recent buys!

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