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{Dishes: Fresh Fruit Salsa}

Happy Weekend my darling!

I was ambitious and got this up for the weekend since so many emailed to get this recipe when I put it up on Instagram.

One of my favorite parts about cooking in the spring and summer is how the meals get lighter, fresher and so much tastier. I mean I love the layers of a slow cooked chili but something about fresh fruits and veggies paired with everything, that has me giving all the heart eyes. But as a mama I have my biggest challenge (in a good way!) is to find dishes that will impress the adults and toddlers. This dish right here is going to be on rotation and the perfect dish to bring to any gathering this summer!

I will have to say that this is an uber loose recipe and you can basically omit or add anything you'd like. It can also be served on anything, I had some chicken breasts which I grilled and a brown rice & orzo pilaf, but any fish or simply add avocados and serve with tortilla chips, better yet some cinnamon pita chips!!! So versatile that many things would pair perfectly. I also plan on using a batch in our salads all summer long. Ahhhh I can't wait for our CSA to start next week to keep making it with whatever comes in our basket.

little helper stealing the cukes.

Salsa Ingredients

6 or 7 strawberries (organic ones tend to be a bit smaller)

1/2 cup pineapple

1 cup cucumber

1 tbsp minced onion

handful of finely chopped cilantro

1 cup corn

Salsa Recipe

I used leftover corn on the cob (simply boiled but roasted would be great), chopped all the ingredients and tossed it all in our family favorite *lemon vinaigrette but really any type of dressing would work. The longer it sits, the better it is!

**Vinaigrette Ingredients

equal parts oil and vinegar, juice of one lemon, a squirt or two of agave ( I make a big batch in a mason jar and use about 2 tbsp of agave) salt + pepper to taste

For the chicken, I marinated it in a little hot sauce, lime juice, salt and pepper, garlic powder, cumin and a squirt of agave to compliment the salsa. SO GOOD! And can easily be done the night before and stored in air tight container to save time while entertaining or during witching our when you are making dinner with a toddler on your leg. (or is that just my life?!)

Now go and try your newest family favorite CBM recipe. ;)



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