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{Mama That Rocks: Andrea Williams Co-Founder of Tubby Todd Bath Co.}

Finding safe and pure products for me and my little family has been a big priority since I was preggo. Honestly, picture a hormonal pregnant mama to be, dissecting every single ingredient, product and food that she put in and on her body and fast forward to a babe in the NICU. Where EVERYTHING touching my baby was amplified by fear of harming this itty bitty fragile creature. And on to now, where we have cleaned out our fridge, pantry, beauty, body and cleaning products to reflect a life of simple and natural ingredients that do the job and are safe for everyone.

I am so happy that we live in a day and age that it is a lot easier to find these incredible products, especially when it comes to our little humans. And definitely thanking the Instagram god's for introducing me to this incredible mama and dadda duo that are rocking it in the bath & body product world! Meet half of this incredible duo, Andrea Williams; co-founder of Tubby Todd Bath Co. April's ‘Mama that Rocks”, a regular series that will give you the low down on some pretty amazing women that are doing it all on top of being mothers. They inspire me and I hope that by sharing their stories, they inspire you to follow that dream and have it all.

Not only are the ingredients in the entire Tubby Todd line mama approved but they are also INCREDIBLE. I mean the lavender & rosemary lotion is so good that both O and I sneak it out of Zoe's bathroom! Don't worry I just put my order in for the basic bundle to keep us stocked for the summer months!

Now onto the interview... & Don't forget to enter the giveaway, details on the end of the post and on Instagram!

We are HUGE fan's of your products, I especially like to hide the bubble bath in my bathroom to soak in the yummy smelling bubbles, usually with a glass of vino... The smell is absolutely intoxicatingly delicious!! Now let's talk about you...

Little ones names and ages:

Jo - 4, Walker- 2, and a little boy! Due in next month!

Congrats on bebe #3!!! Tell me, how did you break the news to the fam? Fun/funny story?

I am not sly enough to keep secrets, ever. I think I am going to do big reveals but as soon as I talk to anyone the

Minute after I find out I am pregnant I blurt out, “I’m pregnant!”

Where can we find you?

Tell me the Tubby Todd story! Where did the dream come from?

My husband and I have always dreamt of owning a business together. On our first date we talked about how cool it would be to work with your spouse. When we were first married we spent years trying to come up with products to sell but then decided to go into business marketing other peoples products. After a year or two of doing that my husband worked for a manufacturer who worked with natural soap companies. We didn’t like any of the natural soap options for our little ones. We worked for over a year with formulators until we developed our wash- something we were completely proud of and something that cleared my sons eczema. It was a tough process getting going but it has been so fun ever since.

I know you must have a full plate but what do you like to do in your free solo time?

I have to work out a few times a week or else I can’t sleep. I love to run outside but the gym is easier with little ones who hate to be strapped down in the stroller. Brian and I make it a priority to do date nights two times a month at least, and I love meeting friends for dinner after the kids are asleep. Because I’m a working mom I spend the rest of my hours awake with my babies. I love work and I love being with my kids and so I don’t feel like I need anything else right now to keep me happy.

Tell me about your experience on being a mama ? Did you always know you wanted babies? Everything you imagined?


I grew up in a family of five kids with two incredible parents. They owned a business, and dedicated everything to us and their work. I have always dreamt of growing up and replicating what they gave us. I have always wanted a large family, and a husband to run a company with. So, in so many ways things are just how I always dreamt they would be. Our journey to get here has been different than the path I anticipated but as I have let go of expectations of how life should be and just embraced what my life actually is I have not only been happier but found more success in all areas of my life. I am so thrilled about having a third baby and hope to have three more! But, I am not sure how many I can physically or emotionally take on. So, for now, we are going to take one day at a time and try and love these little ones the best we know how. Oh, and I’m always trying to not complain too much about how hard it is to be pregnant and deliver the babies. BECAUSE IT IS SO HARD.

How are you preparing the two littles for the new babe's arrival?

We talk a lot about baby #3 and kiss mom’s belly everyday. Both kids pray for him at night. My two year old boy calls him “Buzz lightyear” and has even shortened it to “Baby Buzzy.” My little girl has been no joke praying for a little sister for a year and a half and was slightly disappointed about the news it was a boy. She never let me know that and has been so sweet talking about the baby every single day,

Where was your top family vacation?

Over Christmas break we took a trip up to Utah to ski and see family. As our kids get older it is more fun to go places, to celebrate holidays and experience new things together. I feel like each year it just gets more and more fun.

Favorite place to shop for the babies? And your home?

My favorite place to shop for my babies is Zara. And my favorite place to shop for my home... I really don't like shopping for my house. It stresses me out! But there is a Crate & Barrel outlet by my house that is awesome.

How would you describe your style?

Natural and relaxed .

The one piece in your closet you could not live without?

My sneakers- a new pregnancy must have.

Favorite date night plans?

Dinner and a movie! The best!

Advice for the mama that has an entrepreneurial idea and wants to go for it?

Take it one day at a a time! Write down a task for every single day and tackle it one by one.

This is obvi not a clear cut question but tell us, how do you balance it all??

I have cut more and more out of my life that isn't necessary. I think it is important to realize that if you choose to be a working mom you will have to make sacrifices. Deciding what those sacrifices are going to be is really important.

Tell us what's next with Tubby Todd Bath Co.???

We have a few new products coming out in the next 3 months I am SO excited about! We also have a number of events lined up for this year around the country. It's going to be a party!

Thank you so so so much for taking some of your precious time to fill us in on your story, we at CBM are so thrilled to be able to share your story and perhaps inspire one mama like you've inspired me!

Andrea and I are teaming up to giveaway a $30 credit to the shop! All you have to do is:

Follow us both @chic_boston_mama + @tubbytodd on IG

Subscribe to the blog newsletter (on the right of this page!)

Head over to Instagram and tag 3 friends (in a separate comment for each!)

That's it! Winner will be announced here and on IG on Thursday.

Good luck!



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