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{Dishes: Shortcut Carrot Cake}

We've found ourselves back from vacation on Easter weekend feeling all sorts of yuck. Mainly because the weather was gross and we took a 6am flight home that had us all grumpy by 12noon, but this could not stop me from a chance of making one of my mamas favorite cake's. I have made this one from scratch but needed something ALMOST homemade to please a crowd and easy on a tired mama. In come these amazing Pillsbury Purely SIMPLE cake and frosting mixes. They may not be organic or 100% natural but they do not disappoint, are hard to mess up and omit some unnecessary ingredients that most boxed cakes have. So for you mamas with little time, in need of something to keep the little entertained with or simply not big bakers, then pick these up and try this delicious cake, I promise it'll impress.

My little bunny always wanting to sit on the counter and stealing veggies.

This face... Is EVERYTHING.

All you have to do is follow the cake box instructions but before pouring batter into the cake pans (I chose two 9 inch rounds) fold in 3/4 cups of finely chopped carrots. Cocunut flakes or maybe even walnuts would be delish here too! Evenly distribute into two pans and bake till your toothpicks come out clean. About 30 minutes for my ovens. I've made two boxes = 4 layers for a bigger crowd and a much better side view of the cake... lol

For the frosting you follow the directions and after beating on high for 30 seconds (the last step) fold in 3 tbsp of finely chopped carrots. If you want to add more carrots, which I have done and prefer, it will get too watery but you can fix that by adding powdered sugar until till it's the right consistency. (as an example I added 1 cup to a different cake and used about 1 cup of powdered sugar to balance)

Frost and decorate with more shredded carrots or if you're like me and always have a stash of dried flowers (and eucalyptus) for oils then carefully cut the steps and go to town with a little decorating! It looks so "Spring" and was even better devoured with vino after dinner yesterday. I have yet to spill the beans to my mom that it wasn't completely homemade, sorry mami!!!

I have gotten a few emails from mamas/ladies asking for simple but yummy desserts to please guests this spring. So here it is! A MUST TRY.

And if we are being completely honest here, I totally had intentions of making this on vacation and sharing before Easter buttttt I didn't get to it... I was to busy drinking vino while the babe napped... ;)

As always share your pics when you try these recipes!!



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