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{Mama Diaries: Playing In The Rain}

Blurry but my goodness the kisses are so sweet.

Me: Rain Boots // Tunic from Ku De Ta // Best Leggings EVER // Chambray Shirt// Braid by Kay //

Zoe: Rain Boots - Gifted by Polarn O. Pyret // Tutu // Denim Shirt // braids by Kay ;) //

My sweet step-daughter, took these pics of Zoe and I playing in the rain. And they may be grainy but I absolutely love these. Don't you love the outfit Ms Zoe Lucia chose?? We are at the "I do it myself" phase for EVERYTHING. And if I let her she would wear a tutu everyday!

These pictures are her and I in a nutshell. Everything takes ohhh sooo much patience in this two-ager stage but I am doing it all with a smile, a few laughs and definitely some tears... From the both of us... HA!

She is pushing the limits that a 2 year old must, figuring out boundaries and expressing herself. And as I devastatingly watch friends lose their babies, or struggle to bring one into the world I remind myself of how lucky I am to have this experience to go through.

I've never related to the phrase, "days are long but the years are short" more than in this time of my life. I am re-reading the Hands-Free Mama (this one and this one are next) and it is a great reminder to just take the time to play in the rain.

Watching her face as we got wet, in the outfit she chose, laughing and trying to catch the rain in her mouth instead of rushing her inside was close to magical. And sure I didn't really want to wet my hair or for her to slip on the walkway but instead I held her hand, watched the sparkle in her eyes and we enjoyed being in the moment.

So cheers to a Monday after a weekend when nothing went right but when I was continuously reminded that life is the best it has ever been... + the bottle of wine chilling in the fridge and another hot bath that awaits me...



PS - Finding jeans you love is nothing to joke about, I got these for the spring and although you must size up because they run a bit small for ladies with a bum, goodness they are going to be worn over and over. I want these next. Starting to slowly buy less in quantity and cllect quality pieces (like jeans and tops) that I love and can always rely on looking great in.

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