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{Mi Casa: Cleaning Schedule with Fresh Wave}

Last week the new FedEx guy came by to drop off a package and I was in the middle of slugging around our central vac in what I call my "nap time race to complete my to-do list" and definitely not looking my finest and maybe feeling a bit worse when he mistook me for the Cleaning lady... Yes lovelies, he actually mumbled, oh oh oh I thought you were the cleaning lady....

Again not my finest hour. But it got me thinking, gosh I really am the cleaning lady/nanny/wifey/chef/dog walker/errand runner! How does one juggle all of these roles?! Well for me it's a schedule of course. For everything. And I have to admit that actually creating a weekly schedule of what gets cleaned each day, is the ONLY way it all gets done.

Now we all know that in order to keep the ship running or at least look like it's running we must have some tricks up our sleeves. Like for me, sweeping our floors, wiping down the counters, unloading/reloading the dish washer and picking up toys, quickly organizing the living room and entry every single night allows me to wake up to a "straightened out" home (at least most mornings!). And goodness I feel old by saying this but it makes me HAPPY!!

I use to be a big fan of deodorizing sprays for this exact nightly routine until I became the ingredient police. LOL seriously, ask my friends, my title should read snobby ingredient police... So when Fresh Wave reached out to send me some goodies (that are available at TARGET!!!!) I was thrilled.

Between a toddler, a pup and more wall to wall carpeting in our upstairs than I care for, there are always accidents and smells. Don't even get me started on the fact that even though we have two small entry closets the entry is the catchall for all shoes. One day I hope to create a mudroom in our garage/basement but for now, it is what it is and ummm well it's not smelling like roses.

They sent over these pods, this spray and this odor removing gel. And get this, the ingredients are ESSENTIAL PLANT OILS & WATER!!! That is all. F'ing Ahhhmazing.

The spray is now part of my nightly routine; the sofa and area rugs get lightly sprayed, shoot I even spray the playroom tent and pillows! Best part is that with all natural ingredients I don't have to worry about the pup or babe getting their hands on it. The odor removing gel lives in our entry (you simply open the lid and remove the seal, replace slotted lid and place gel where odors are strongest. hello shoes. bye bye smell) and mama can now walk into a fresh smelling entry. Again, this may make me old but gosh it makes my heart giddy when things smell fresh!

I put a pack in my car and one in our coat closets. I even gifted my mama a few of the packs because she was complaining her car was stinky from the lent Friday fish lunch she brought over, and she was impressed.

I have talked a ton about watching what we give Zoe to eat and making sure things were as natural/organic as can be because I am that little ladies only advocate and things are NOT what they were when my mama was raising me. In the last three years I have also switched a ton of our body/beauty products and tested out and found natural cleaning products that are not only safe but WORK. Happy to report that althought this is a sponsored post, Fresh Wave has made my Target list.

We are partnering with them to give a reader this exact set that I was sent (they are available at Target) so you can try it for yourself!


It is simple,

1. Subscribe to the blog,

2. Follow CBM and Fresh Wave on Instagram

3. Leave a comment (here or on Instagram!) letting us know when you've done everything and where you'd try out the products!

Winner will be announced on Monday March 7th!

Happy leap year Monday my friends, I hope you squeezed in something great.



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© 2014 by Chic Boston Mama.

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