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{Another Sweet Year to Celebrate}

This year my life was flipped upside down once again. A move to the burbs and a babe turned toddler. And frankly so much other stuff in between, but I sit here and honestly reflect on it being a pretty sweet year.

The opportunity to watch my preemie babe turn into a little human with a personality of her own, has been a blessing. Hard yes but thinking back to two years ago today, when so much uncertainty hung over our heads, a babe in the NICU and the unknown of the damage of the last few days in the womb had left her. A traumatic "birthing day" for mama and an emergency entry into the world for the babe left me pretty unbalanced.

I think I've refrained from the preemie talk, the worries and the guilt of a stolen birth dream but something I plan on sharing more of here, on CBM in 2016. Not because I want pity but because I know how lost I felt that first year, and how there really isn't very much out there for preemie mamas who are trying to find footing in this uncertain journey.

I also want to share more of my home, the reno's the inspiration and what I have been doing (and frankly need to do more of) in the last 6 months. So, much more on the "mi casa" front will also be coming.

Food is my way of taking care of those I love, so we'll be getting back to regular recipe postings. Dishes that are quick but can easily impress guests to toddlers! So look out for both healthy and indulgent dishes to keep you in the kitchen!

I also was a little (or a lot) behind in featuring some incredible mamas in my Mamas that Rock series but watch out for this series to come with a bang. I have them lined up and honestly I can't wait to share these mamas that have formed my "online village" and push me to be better, work harder and want more.

And fashion, I am finally feeling much more comfortable in my own skin and getting back to the fashion I enjoy, instead of what just fits. It's a little different living in the burbs but I will continue to keeping it ME, even with the eye rolls and second looks at the grocery. I also want to share a lot more mini fashion too, I love dressing my girl (and she loves dressing herself so look out for weekly mini and mama postings!) And makeup, yes makeup. I have awesome contributor, (an old intern) who will be posting some fun tutorials, mainly how to cover up those bags under your eyes and look less tired...

We'll be taking a break around here for a little blog refresh and (hold your breath) my first baby free trip!! Be sure to keep up with what's going on Instagram and Facebook. I am looking forward to doing so much more on here and continue this journey as a mama trying to stay chic, in the burbs.

May the holidays be filled with everything that matters to you and yours. Wishing you love, happiness and memories in the making. Cheers to a great holiday season and a very very happy New Year!



PS Make sure you check out these blog partners that have shared discount codes with CBM readers!

Vega Coffee (for the coffee lover or new mama, believe me she needs it! ) CHICBOSTONMAMA for 50% off your first shipment when you sign up for a subscription)

Buru (for the fashionable lady in your life!) Use code: NF25 for 25% off your entire order untill 12/22/16

*love this dress, this top and this jumpsuit is the one I posted on IG and need!

Prosperity Candle (this one is for anyone on your list!) use code:: CHICBOSTONMAMA for 10% off your order.

True Moringa (for the beauty junky!) (use the code: CHICMAMA15 for 15% off!!)

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