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{Mama Diaries: Slowing Down Life // Prosperity Candle}

Hello may darlings,

Our life has been so full of go-go-go that I almost canceled this NYC trip when O had to take the weekend to prepare for a board meeting and I was not able to go solo. I mean so much shopping left to do, congested and a toddler who has meltdowns at the sight of a bird who won't come "sit down now!" but instead I made it the life I wanted. I packed a humungous bag of snacks and entertainment, downloaded a few elmo shows, little prayer and boarded a train to NYC.

It ended up being a whole lot of work, an embarrassing meltdown at Penn Station, countless memories and some much needed best friend time. I am so dang lucky to have some great friends and for a weekend we got to share time together. Z and I have both been fighting something (which she seems to completely have now) so we kept it low key and stayed at her house in New Jersey. And high 60's in December made it that much better.

Now I am taking todays nap time to sit and reflect. Something I have been doing in notebooks for Zoe since I found out I was pregnant. A way for me to be more present, slow down and reflect on what is going on. Be it a birthday, the holidays, a trip we took together or even on a tough melt-down-full day. I really hope that one day she reads them and enjoys my words as much as I enjoy writing them for her.

And what better way to sit here and reflect on a great few days than to light a beautiful candle and (since it's to early for wine) and sip on that third cup of coffee....

I have been in search for more companies/products that are socially conscious to partner with and hopefully be able to encourage others to give back. So when I was introduced to Prosperity Candle I knew I had to accept the chance to partner and share!!

The wondeful folks at Prosperity Candle sent over this gorgeous Vasteras Candle (large) and I instantly fell in love. Not only is it stunning but guys the smell (Chamomile & Sage) is intoxicating, light and perfect in any room of the house. (Confession: I have been moving it around from my master to my kitchen because it is that PERFECT). I also lit the the Sea Grass and Salt Spray is like a carefree summer morning in a little bottle, ahhhhmazing, and the sample of the Blue Fir & Spice was O's fav because it's a little more masculine.

I love that you can customize the smell and choose the look of the candle to fit your style and that they thoughtfully place the story of the incredible woman who made the candle for you. Is it corny to say that lighting the candle brings a little perspective to a morning with a toddler (who did not want to be put down or eat and was fussy because she is so congested)? I don't think so, I think that the thought of making more stories like Moo Koo who went from refugee to entrepreneur possible, brings a warmth to my gift that I am totally on board with.

Read more of their story here and you still have time to get these made and sent to you be Christmas Eve (order by Sunday 12/20!) or simply send your loved one (and perhaps that one person on your life that may be a little more difficult to shop for...) a gift certificate so they can customize the candle themselves. (hey Santa, mama could use a couple more!!)

Tip: Always have a few pretty and yummy smelling candles on hand, they are always the perfect gift. For a hostess, a birthday that has slipped my mind and a neighbor who always bring wine when I most need it. And just think with Prosperity Candles you are giving more than that candle, which is even more thoughtful!

Use Code: CHICBOSTONMAMA for 10% off your order from now until 12/31/15 , already made mine so get on it!



** Although this is a sponsored post all opinions are my own, I try to be brutally honest and only partner with brands that I completely love and stand behind. Hoping to do much more of it in the next year and look out for some awesome giveaways in January!

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