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{What Mama Wore: Put A Sweater On It}

Hello darlings, is it really 3 weeks till Christmas?

Waiting on our Christmas cards I ordered, that still need to be addressedI and sent out! All before Zoe and I head out for our 2nd mama and Zozo NYC trip. EEEEEK, all I have to say is THANK GOODNESS for Amazon prime.

Now onto a little something I wore last week. This right here is nothing special (I definitely say that every week). The skirt is a go-to look when mama is feeling like yoga pants is all she has been wearing (or perhaps said yoga pants are all in the wash pile...). It's comfy, cute and well I feel great when I wear it. A stretchy skirt is a MUST in your closet. This one is from H&M basics and they always have them but I couldn't find it online but loving this one. Cheers to stretchy skirts, slip on sneakers and chunky sweaters that hide how much pirate's booty I ate to get through the market with a sassy-full-of-melt-downs-toddler.

I have been all about the turtlenecks and chunky knit sweaters this year and have my eye on a few more! Check them out below!

Come on ladies spill it: what is your go to outfit for when you are feeling in a style rut?



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