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{Mama Diaries: 10 Honest Things}

{from our family pics this weekend while my step-daughter was home for Thanksgiving}

1. O and I are not married. Engaged and spending the rest of our lives together yes but not married. Yet. We hope to one day plan something when our whole immediate families can attend.

2. My belly is smothered in vicks right now becuase I read somewhere that it reduces stretch marks... I shall report back on this in two weeks.

3. I would have decorated for Christmas on November 1st if O would have let me.... If you heard Zoe say "Santa Santa" you'd know why!

4. I have more things for Zoe in my bag than I do for me.

5. Zoe and I have dance parties every day before dinner and I count it as cardio...

6. Hot lemon water every morning before my coffee is the hardest but only thing that keeps away icky bloating that I tend to have ALL THE TIME.

7. I have dreamt of stocking on a fireplace forever, which is why lately all my IG pics are of our nightly toasty fires....

8. If my hair is blow dried and my nails are painted I feel 100% happer than when they are a mess.

9. My psoriasis has been horrid the last 6 months, especially drying out my face; but this True Moringa has been keeping me so dang moisterized and evening out my skin tone. Anti-aging, moisterizing, it's free of sulfates & parabens and it gives back with every purchase.

10. We don't have one completely finished room in this house. Even the playroom needs a few things hung... Maybe next month...

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! We hosted for the first time and although it was a little nutty leading up to it, I could not have been happier. Watching Zoe with our families, celebrating so much we have to be thankful for, and stuffing our faces with yummy food is definitely my kind of weekend.

I took the day to catch up on laundry, make a big batch of bone broth, left over turkey soup and make lots of to-do lists for Zoe's bday this weekend. And with this chilly weather a day indoors is very much welcomed.



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