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{Mama Diaries: Fall Bucket List}

Hello lovelies, Fall is totally here. the air has cooled, the leaves are changing colors and I am getting to watch Z take in all of these changes around her.

{last week I lived in this Target maxi which I can't find online but I picked up this one too!}

I is a pretty incredible blessing to raise a babe. To watch them grow, learn and most of all become little people. I love when she picks up leaves and says "lif lif lif, olorrrrr" (leaf leaf leaf colors). I want to squeeze her! In our busy fast forward lives we tend to forget how incredible the world around us really is, and having an almost 2-year old to experience it with brings you right back to the soaking in everything.

It is all so different than last year, especially living in the burbs. We are truly estatic to start new traditions and watch this little curious, sassy girl enjoy every second of one of our favorite seasons (Summer will always have my heart!).

So excited to share this new season with my little family. And since we have a busy October planned and I really wanted to make sure we kept track of the little things.

Here's our bucket list!

So tell me what's on yours?



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