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{Life Lately : Fall is Upon Us}

First week of Fall came with a pretty bad head cold for my girl. So instead of shoving everything on my plate I took the week to put our kitchen back together and literally hold her all week. Sometimes you just have to prioritize and let go of anything weighing you down and as much as I love this blog, Z and my family are my priority. So the control freak in me had a few meltdowns but allowing myself to just be there for her felt really darn good.

So thankful that today is not only Friday but the first day without a fever; I got to enjoy a cup of hot coffee, meal plan, write out our grocery list while she played on her own, a Target trip with a happy toddler and now our Mother's Helper is here while I wrap a few things AKA drink my iced cappuccino. Goodness I forgot how lovely this feels!

We have some great plans to enjoy this new season with our toddler and I honestly can't wait! I usually get a little sad saying goodbye to summer but watching Z enjoy this season here in the burbs, which is a whole new experience for us as a family; makes it a pretty rad time. I promise to be back with a bucket list, a delicious (and easyyyyy) baked oatmeal cookie-ish recipe we can't stop eating and a couple fall outfits that I plan on wearing all season long. I even have a summer favorites video that I have been super nervous to share buttttttt I owe you all these awesome products.... We'll see if I actually get the guts to hit publish.... Ha!

Have a great weekend darlings!



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