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{Dishes: Roasted Corn & Tomato Salad}

Ok so this is another one of those, un -original, not the first to have done it, recipes but I promise you that it is worth the unoriginality. Our stove top was finally installed yesterday (woohoo!) but before then our grill and smoker had been working overtime. The bright side is that it is perfect weather for outdoor cooking and we have been enjoying these last day's of summer weather. Mix in totally in season, delicious ingredients into a barely any work recipe and you have a winner in my book. I knew I had to share befor the weekend was up.

3 tbsp unsalted butter (I like to control how much salt goes in)

1 tbsp of any herb mixture you'd like (I used oregano, onion and garlic powder and black pepper)

a sprinkle of kisher salt

2 medium sized tomatoes

for the dressing:

white vinegar


1 lemon

agave or sugar

salt and pepper to taste

You simply, melt the butter and whisk in the herbs, roast your ears of corn about 5 to 6 minutes on each side brushing it with the butter mixture every time you turn it. Allow for a little charring as it steps up the flavor majorly. While that is cooking chop tomatoes and sprinkle a bit of kosher salt on them (brings out the flavor like woah) and set aside.

For the dressing mix equal parts white vinegar and olive oil, 1 tbsp of agave, and juice of half a lemon. (add more agave or sugar if you like your dressing on the sweet side). I like to sprinkle a little salt and pepper or even some herbs but it taste great on it's own.

Toss dressing and salad together and attempt to not eat it all.

tip: don't dress the whole salad and add it to our indivdual salads, best way to please a crowd. I am also thinking off grilling some romaine and chilling it to add. I promise to report back!

tip #2: roast a bunch of corn at a time, let it cool and store in a ziploc bag, this way you can throw it in your salads, use as a side or make this salad on a weeknight with half the work (I plan on freezing a bunch this weekend to have for the winter).

Happy weekend my lovelies, hope you enjoy every second of it.



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