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{10 Honest Things}

One of things that rub me the wrong way about this little world of blogging is that we sometimes only strive to show perfect. Perfectly lit photos, propped dishes and merchandised outfits. Don't get me wrong it's what attracts me to blogs butttt I also love the ones that mix real life honesty into everything they share.

And I really hope that no one every thinks my life is perfect but that instead they know I choose to look at the perfect in every day moments. Here is my part to striving toward a better balance of realness and perfectly planned.

In no specific order...

1. Our family room is borderline daycare looking...

2. No matter how natural/organic we eat I can't give up Diet Coke & Splenda in my coffee ( except while I was preggo with Zoe).

3. I never thought I'd love being a SAHM as much as I do.

4. Most nights I don't pick up the toys from the floor until right before the MR gets home,

5. I never thought I'd leave NYC after moving there and it was one of the first things I said to O (but then again I also said we'd never leave the city!)

6. I haven't gone to church in years but have prayed every night since I got pregnant.

7. I started consulting/working on my own at 26 after being laid off from Converse and it was the best (& scariest) decision I made in my life.

8. The only nights I have spent away from Z were while she was in the NICU.

9. I thought that stretch marks were the worst things that could happen during pregnancy and then I had a high risk emergency c-section and got the scare of my life. I then realized that they are just mama stripes.

10. I just switched my iced non-fat latte's to iced non-fat cappuccinos because there is more espresso and less calories...

There you have my loves the hoest truth.

Should I keep these going? Share some of your honest things here on IG and tag them #CBMHONESTTHINGS

Happy Monday my loves!



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