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{Dishes: Detox Smoothie}

What do you do after a week of vacation indulgences, birthday cake, brunches and a stomach bug? Well you wake up with dry skin and sluggish and thennnn you pull out the blender pile in the feel good, detoxifying fruits and veggies, blend and chug.


Any smoothie that both my toddler and I devour is a winner and deserves to be shared, so here it is.

Detox Smoothie

juice of 2 lemons

6oz coconut water

1 tsp grated ginger

2 1/2 cups spinach

(about) 2 cups frozen mango & pineapples

1 cuke

6 stalks of celery

1 cored green apple

( **I also added a scoop of chia seeds soaked in water)

start with greens and coconut water, blend well

add rest of ingredients minus the chia seeds

add chia seeds

blend blend blend

taste and add ice if necessary.

makes about 6 8oz smoothies

I will be replacing my breakfast and lunch with two of these and green tea instead of my usual afternoon cafe for the next couple days and like magic my body reboots.

When I am on best behavior I have one or two of these every day and it keeps me feeling full of energy, not to mention my jeans fit on the looser side. #winning

What do you do to reboot after an indulgant vaca?



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