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{Transformation Tuesday: Kiddie Table}

Hey lovies,

Slowly recovering from the stomach bug... The laundry, the meal planning, the enormous list of projects left to do and... Eeeeek. Instead, I am sitting here, while Z naps finishing up Tuesday's post.... Better late than never, right?

Can we talk about the cost of cute + modern kiddie furniture? Jeeesh.

As much as I love the good stuff, the budget (and the MR) sometimes don't allow for it, so I have to pick my battles.

The battle I picked was splurging on adorable chairs, so I had to find a table to go with it. Craiglist houses a bunch of junk buttttt there are quite a few gems out there! Like this table!! Which I negotiated a lower price and left behind the chairs.

Tip for Craigslist searches, know what you want, ask for more pics and don't be bashful about negotiating a better price! I knew I wanted a round wood kiddie table. Here was my inspiration.

Now for the transformation....



What do you think? I sanded it down and painted the top with 3 coats of chalkboard paint. Pretty darn perfect. I may trim the legs a bit but for now it works!

Not into the DIY here are some super cute pieces that won't break the bank.

^Bought these for our outdoor kiddie table.

^I love this all wood set (very similar to my CL table!)

^I would add these stackable chairs for color.

^ These mini eames chairs are what inspired the whole project!

Can't wait to get the playroom finished up!! Hoping hoping hoping to have some update pics of the playroom next week...



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