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{Mamas Diaries: Let's Take a Break & a Deep Breath}


Linen Pants (this years) // Striped Top // Sandals // Vintage Gucci bag via Invaluable // Karen Walker Shades

Hey lovelies!

How did the weekend get by so quickly?? I had a little girl-time at a friend's babyshower and lots of errands to prep for our vaca next week, which means I blinked and the whole weekend was over.

I wore this outfit last week and I was totally not going to share it because it's nothing special (except these linen pants are heaven sent) but the truth is, this right here is real life. A toddler wanting me to hold her, me giving her my lipgloss as a bribe to sit still for a couple minutes, wrinkled clothing and pictures that I am totally unsatisfied with (and an internal conversation on if I should really rename my blog to Un-chic Mama).

Yup, that describes it pretty well. lol






Now onto my daily mantra: Let's sit, take a break and a deep breath.

We use this whenever Zoe is having a melt down or tantrum or simply not listening. 98% of the time she is simply frustrated because she can't communicate and helping her take a moment really helps.

Usually she'll choose to come sit on my lap and starts taking the cutest deep breaths ever. I will do them with her, reminding her it's ok to be upset/sad/mad and that she can tell mama when she's ready to listen. And to be honest, it also helps me take a moment, breathe deep and realize that whatever is happening will pass (usually pretty quickly). Our breaks end with a big hug and some sips of water.

This all came from a book I have been re-reading on positive discipline and has realllyyyy been a great resource for me. Especially with these early terrible two's. Most days I just have to remind myself she is just a tiny human wanting to say/express herself more than she can at the moment. Until then we'll both be sitting down to take deep breaths and gain our composure.

What do you do or use to do to discipline your toddler?



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