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{Life Lately: CBM Moves to the Burbs}

Hello lovelies!

I have been meaning to write but since the move (was it relly two weeks ago yesyerday??) I have been elbow deep in unpacking, organizing and now painting. But we did it!!! We moved to the burns. Like the real burbs, where there were deer in our neighbors yard and turkey's in ours. And it is NORMAL around here.

Very different but in a really fabulous way. These next chapters of our lives are about this little human of ours and this move is exactly about that. about our girl. Watching her enjoy every inch of our house (especially the outdoors and swingset) reminds me at how blessed we are. I didn't have half of this growing up, so working hard to be able to give it to her means the world.

We've worked hard on getting the house unpacked and us back to a routine, which is why I have been MIA but I thought for now I'd share some pics of life lately and a peak of the before of the playroom!

Hunter rain boots on tiny humans has to be my favorite. ^

Picking out our new counters, most expensive weekend activity there is... Well that and buying a house....

First sink bath at the new house!

One of my sweetest most talented friends sent over some blood orange salt (fudge brownie recipe using it will be up soon!) and sage to burn in the new house.

Girl friend is loving a bigger pool!

So much strong coffee in these last two weeks + peonies from our sweet neighbor!

Early morning snuggles b/c GF has been getting up wayyyy too early.

Ice Coffee on the deck + watching her enjoy a lot more space = happy mama

cutest meow top there ever was (H&M)

Z with a mouth full of cheese + mama's uniform of a sundress and a hat, at our neighborhoods block party last week!

And below are some playroom BEFORE's (previous owners had it as a playroom too).

You can see on Instagram that I have already started painting the trim (during Z's naptime) and will share both my inspiration and more "during" pics next week!

Anywhooooo I have so much I want to share and hope to get back to my regular posting on here next week. Until then follow on IG or on Pinterest where you can see me pinning all my home ideas!



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